Planet Hoster Review

Having a website is essential today for businesses, bloggers, as well as for people wishing to enter the world of e-commerce. And there, an important concern surfaces: which host to choose for your website? Having proven itself for more than 10 years, PlanetHoster is today one of the best web hosts offering quality services to its customers. It provides them with several offers, with numerous advantages. It is fully compatible with the installation of WordPress software and Woocommerce plugin.

Description of PlanetHoster


PlanetHoster ranks today among the best web hosts such as 02swicth, and Hotsinger. Created in 2007, this host today has more than 40,000 users and hosts more than 100,000 websites. This is justified by the quality of the services provided by the latter to its customers, who in turn make no effort to renew their trust in it. Indeed, to satisfy its customers, PlanetHoster uses the latest, most efficient technologies on the market to power its network. In order to guarantee the functionality of its server full time, for example, the host uses SC900 technology.

It is also in partnership with the famous Dell network which allows it to guarantee stable operation of its servers. Note that this host has four Datacenters which are mainly based in France and Canada and provides its services in more than 170 states around the world. In addition, this host is completely independent in terms of energy consumption. Indeed, PlanetHoster resorts to the use of hydroelectric dams. This allows it to contribute to the ecology of the planet and ensure its servers are powered full time.

PlanetHoster holds accreditations from several regulatory centers such as Afnic, Swicth, ICANN, LDNS, etc. It also holds ISO 50001, TIER III, PCI-DSS certifications, and many others. This is proof that the latter carries out its activities legally and has the necessary resources to be able to provide such services. In addition, PlanetHoster is affiliated with the competent institutions giving it the right to defend its customers in the event of disputes with the web authorities.

What types of hosting does PlanetHoster offer?

To host your site, the first thing you have to do is identify the type of hosting you want to opt for. There are four main types of accommodation. You will have the choice between shared hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting or Cloud hosting. Each type of accommodation has its own specificities.

  • Shared hosting : with this type of hosting, the resources on the servers hosting the sites are shared by several people. It brings together sites that do not experience a peak in traffic. The downside with this type of hosting is when the traffic volume is very high on one of the server sites, the loading speed of other sites is completely reduced.
  • VPS Hosting : VPS hosting is based on the technology of servers created virtually on physical servers. Even though this type of server is expensive, it provides good value for money. Unlike the shared server, a VPS server can only host a number of well-defined sites. In addition, VPS servers are well protected to avoid the disappointments that external attacks may cause. The big advantage with this type of server is that you have the possibility of entrusting its management to your host or a service provider. To do this, a managed VPS server is the best choice you can make.
  • Dedicated hosting : Dedicated hosting offers big advantages. It allows you to exploit all the resources of your server as well as personalize its use. With this type of hosting, you will no longer have to complain about security issues or even slow loading of your websites. Just like VPS servers, dedicated servers can be managed. The disadvantage with the dedicated server is that it is difficult to make optimal use of it.
  • Cloud hosting : it is the best of other types of accommodation. Unlike other types of hosting, cloud hosting brings together several servers for its operation. This helps overcome the problem of sites slowing down in the event of high traffic. Indeed, to manage high traffic, websites can exploit the resources of other servers to be much more accessible despite the traffic peak.

The different offers offered by PlanetHoster

Planethoster provides its customers with three main offers, namely: the World lite offer, The World offer and the HybridCloud offer. The choice of your offer essentially depends on the use you would like to make of it, because each of them presents advantages to their uses.

The World lite offer

The main offer that differentiates PlanetHoster from other hosts is the World lite offer. Indeed, thanks to this offer, PlanetHoster provides these users with free hosting of their website. The advantage with this offer is that although it is free, it does not flood your workspace with advertisements. However, the functionality is limited.

PlanetHoster’s free offer gives you only 750 MB of storage space. This disk space is small enough to support a large website project. However, this type of hosting is useful for small websites, and why not ideal for a start! Likewise, by subscribing to this offer, you will benefit from:

  • two FTP accounts;
  • unlimited traffic;
  • two email accounts;
  • two MySQL databases;
  • an SSL certificate;
  • Site Builder for creating your web pages;
  • a domain name, two subdomains and extensions;
  • a CMS installer.

In addition, note that this offer allows you to have at your disposal more than 180 CMS which can help you in the creation of your website. You will also benefit from the privilege of choosing the data center likely to host your site. But of course this free offer will not allow you to benefit from the full potential of this host! You will need to use paid offers to benefit from the many advantages of the latter.

The World offer


The World is the second offer offered by PlanetHoster to its customers. Also called shared web hosting, this offer allows you to provide hosting for several sites. It is used by most PlanetHoster customers because of its many advantages. Indeed, activating this offer allows you to benefit from a resource of 8CPU, 16 GB RAM, and 16 Mb/s I/O for the creation of your accounts. This implies that this offer allows you to create a maximum of eight hosting accounts. However, a maximum load must be respected when you decide to base all your web installations on a single account. The capacity of your installation must not exceed the margin of 8CPU, 24 GB RAM and 24 Mb/s.

But in the event that you decide to distribute your sites across several hosting accounts, you must ensure that you respect the minimum margin of 1 CPU, 1 GB RAM, 1 Mb/s I/O per hosting account. You will then be able to create as many sites as you want on each account. Here are some features that you will benefit from by subscribing to The World offer:

  • unlimited storage space
  • access to CMS (Joomla, Drupal,WordPress, Prestashop, etc..) ;
  • bandwidth ;
  • several programming languages ​​(PHP, Node.js, Python, Rudy, etc..)
  • possibilities to install unlimited sites;
  • unlimited email accounts;
  • SSL certificate;
  • Builder sites for creating pages for your sites;
  • almost 1000 IP addresses, etc.

Note that to increase the performance of your sites, PlanetHoster provides you with some additional options. This is private WHIOS, the use of servers LiteSpeed And LS Cache. This helps boost the loading time of your sites, but at the cost of 2 euros per month. Likewise, just like the free offer, you will have the privilege of choosing your data center between France and Canada. However, it would be good for you to opt for a higher subscription for more flexibility.

The HybridCloud offer

PlanetHoster HybridCloud is the most advantageous offer from this host, but the most expensive. It allows you to exploit the full potential of the resources available to this host. To subscribe to this offer, you will need to plan at least 49.99 euros including tax per month. The type of hosting offered by this offer includes dedicated and cloud servers. This type of offer is ideal for housing your large website creation projects.

In fact, it offers you the possibility of having up to 32 isolated accounts or 32 CPUs, which can host an unlimited number of websites. Likewise, the storage offered when subscribing to this offer is 16 TB, and 256 GB of RAM. With this offer, you will benefit from a database and unlimited traffic. In case of high traffic on your sites, PlanetHoster provides you with the functionality AutoPeakPower to prevent your server from being affected by peak traffic. Here are some features you will benefit from by opting for this offer:

  • antiviruses;
  • PHP;
  • cPanel;
  • Firewall;
  • E-mail ;
  • Anti-DDOS;
  • MySQL;
  • KMV;
  • Firewall;
  • SSL certificate;
  • Apache, etc.

For optimal use of its services, PlanetHoster is responsible for monitoring its equipment, but also the protection of its system. This ensures stable operation of its servers as well as protection of its software against malicious attacks.

How does PlanetHoster perform?

Now that you have an idea of ​​the offers offered by this host, it is time to find out how it performs. Indeed, to choose your host, factors such as the loading speed of the sites it hosts, the security of user data, and many others must be taken into account.

Site loading speed

Connection speed is one of the important qualities that characterize the reliability of a host. This is the main reason why PlanetHoster does not place any limits on its bandwidth as well as on the traffic of the sites it hosts. According to opinions of some users of this host, PlanetHoster has excellent loading quality of its websites. Indeed, PlanetHoster has its own internet network. This allows it to ensure the stability of its services and therefore offers a better user experience to its customers, because the bandwidth it has is large enough to manage all traffic.

Server security

Before opting for a host, it is important that you check the security level of their system. And on this point, PlanetHoster is the best host you can use to guarantee the data security of your sites. Note that PlanetHoster makes no effort to equip its systems with the most efficient software with their latest updates. Indeed, in addition to the security system put in place by the host, you benefit from ClamV type protection and IP extensions.

Added to this is Google authentication for access to your hosting space. On the other hand, note that this host automatically backs up all data on its servers daily. This makes it possible to restore user data in the event of major incidents or problems. Of course this is only a guarantee of user confidence!

What use for WordPress and Woocommerce on PlanetHoster?

If you are in ecommerce, know that you will necessarily need a high-performance host to guarantee good turnover. Thanks to its reliability and performance, PlanetHoster is the best host you can use to succeed in your online business. Indeed, to set up your online store, you must use several tools.

Among these, we can cite the Woocommerce plugin. This plugin will be of great use to you, especially if you want to get started in dropshipping. However, the use of the latter must necessarily involve the installation of the WorpPress software. Thanks to PlanetHoster, you can easily install your Word Press on your site in just a few clicks. Note that for any online store, optimization is a determining factor in its visibility.

Even if the quality of the content of your web pages plays an important role in the SEO of your site, be aware that the loading speed of the site also constitutes an aspect of its optimization. Thanks to the high quality of the hosting services offered by PlanetHoster, you can easily increase the visibility of your websites in search engines.

The advantages of PlanetHoster

The main advantages of using PlanetHoster are: the domain name its users benefit from, its ease of use as well as the responsive technical support it has. In fact, subscribing to one of the paid offers entitles you to a free domain name for life. Likewise, this host provides you with different extensions such as. com,. fr, .net,. org, etc.

In addition, the interface of the hosting platform is easy to use. To this end, PlanetHoster provides its customers with two types of interfaces, namely: the interface cPanel and the interface Word Panel. The interface cPanel is the most recommended, because it is more advanced than the Word Panel. Remember that it is also important to ensure that your host’s support is responsive before opting for the latter.

And on this point, PlanetHoster offers its customers the privilege of responding to their concerns full time. To this end, three means of communication are made available to them. These include live chat, telephone line and contact by email. ! But note that it is impossible to benefit from this privilege by subscribing to the free offer of this host. You will need to subscribe to the The formula World VIP to benefit from this advantage.

Payment methods available on PlanetHoster

PlanetHoster provides its customers with several payment methods to facilitate access to its services. The latest innovation brought by this host in its payment system is that it is now possible to pay for its services with cryptocurrencies. The cryptocurrencies used by the latter are the bitcoin, THE Skrill and the Moneybookers. For greater security in transactions, PlanetHoster also uses payment by PayPal. Payments by Bank card And MasterCard are also made available for the activation of the services of this host.

What other features on PlanetHoster?

With PlanetHoster, you have the possibility to personalize your messaging. However, this comes at a cost. You will need to plan at least 1.98 euros including tax per month. The price of this feature varies depending on the number of email addresses you want to personalize. Likewise, you can opt for the VPN package offered by PalnetHoster at 10.99 euros including tax per month. Indeed, this option allows users to bypass restrictions in certain states for access to the platform. It also allows you to browse anonymously under cover of an IP address from France or Canada. Note that the use of a VPN is recommended by the host, because it gives you certain advantages.

Shopify Free: Is it possible to use Shopify without paying?

Launched in 2006, the Canadian company Shopify is currently a reference in online store creation. She has more than a million businesses whose products and services she has helped promote online. But like any serious opportunity, the famous e-commerce site company Shopify still requires a small basic investment in order to benefit from the advantages it offers. However, in this article we explain how use Shopify 100% free and above all, without obligation. Eh yes ! Use Shopify without paying, it’s possible.

FREE SHOPIFY, 14 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 DAYS, 50 sales


Shopify’s 14-day free offer


For new users of its service, the SaaS e-commerce platform allows them to benefit from a free 14 day trial period. By registering right away, you can test the main functionalities of the site in order to start configuring your future online store. As a reminder, a so-called SaaS e-commerce platform means that the software and all the data relating to its use are hosted in the cloud. You therefore have plenty of time to start sketching out your store and then stop at any time. You can always come back and pick up where you left off.

The Shopify 14-day free trial period is indeed a zero-euro test. It doesn’t even require you to submit your credit card information on the site or commit to anything. You are therefore free to test the platform and all its features for free. You should know that Shopify takes care of everything:

  • quality web hosting;
  • domain name reservation;
  • posting and indexing on search engines;
  • proposal of e-commerce store models to personalize;

This trial version will allow you to build your own online store and test the Shopify tool without technical constraints. The only thing you won’t be able to do is start selling the products posted online but just reference.

What happens when the Shopify 14-day free trial ends?

At the end of the 14 day trial, Shopify will ask you if you are convinced of the experience or not. In case you want to continue using the platform, Shopify will offer you paid plans that vary depending on the features. You thus have:

  • Basic Shopify at $29/month (with 2% commission taken from each sale)
  • Shopify at $79/month (1% commission)
  • Advanced Shopify at $299/month (0.5% commission).

Shopify’s free plans have evolved a lot over time. It is therefore better test the platform today. Indeed, promotional offers may change without warning and may no longer be so advantageous. This has already happened several times throughout the history of the brand.

Shopify free trial up to 90 days

There was a time when Shopify actually offered 30-day, 60-day or even 90-day trial offers.

Shopify free trial 90 days

There was actually this offer to have Shopify free for 90 days. This was a one-off offer during the first lockdown from March to May 2020. It aimed to encourage the shift of businesses that had not yet switched to e-commerce.

Shopify free trial 60 days

For 60 days, known influencers, also called “macro influencers” as well as the media had the opportunity to test Shopify for free for 60 days. This is no longer possible and it is not easy to find them.

Shopify free trial 30 days

Just like the previous one, this promotional offer was one-off. You have to be on the lookout for these opportunities. And if you come across one Free Shopify link 90 days or others of this style, they are surely malicious mirror sites.

Our advice would be not to wait for these offers to come back before taking the plunge. Enjoy Shopify 14 days free before any changes occur and reduce it to, say, 7 days or less. Yes, “it’s better late than never”!

Free Shopify FAQ

Here is a list of all the questions you may have about Shopify’s free plan.

Is it possible to create an e-commerce store for free with Shopify?

Yes, you can create and manage your Shopify store without paying a dime by signing up for a free trial on the company’s website.

What is Shopify’s free trial?

Shopify’s 14-day free trial allows you to get a feel for the platform and its features. Sometimes during the year Shopify extends its free trial offers by offering: 30 days of Shopify free trial, 60 days or even 90 days of free Shopify (3 months)

Check the current offer by clicking below!


Do I have to enter my credit card information to get free Shopify?

No, you don’t need a credit card to open a Shopify account and use the service for free.

How do I cancel my free trial?

There is no need to cancel the free trial. After the 14, 30, 60 or even 90 days of free trial, Shopify will close your store automatically.

Is there a risk that my store will be deleted after the free trial ends?

It is also possible to reactivate your store if you subscribe to a paid plan, which saves you from having to rebuild it from scratch.

formation à l'investissement immobilier

Real estate investment training: How to invest in real estate for beginners or experienced

Are you interested in real estate investment training?

If so, this blog post is for you!

In this article we will look at how to start investing in real estate. We’ll cover everything from finding the right property to securing financing.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced investor, this article has something to offer you!

Let’s see together what is proposed in the summary:

Come learn how to invest in real estate through our comprehensive training programs.

Where does the training take place?

Classes take place on an ergonomic training platform, allowing everyone to progress at their own pace.

It also contains video coaching to complement the other elements of the training and answer investors’ questions.

Who is this training aimed at?

  • People who want to start building their wealth or expand it can do so.
  • People looking to upgrade their skills or start a new business may find this information useful.
  • If you want to learn more about real estate in order to gradually gain financial independence, the following tips will be extremely useful to you.

YANN DARWIN GREENBULL Create and develop a predominantly real estate business


Real estate investment training

You are looking for a group of experienced investors who can provide you with real estate investment training of the highest quality? Our varied real estate investment training programs include everything you need to know to invest in real estate. Depending on the subject, they last between 8 and 60 hours and are accepted for My training account.

Investment in investment property

Real estate investing is a niche market that can provide significant gains. Find out how to discover, negotiate, acquire and maintain an investment property! This course will also teach you all the skills you will need to purchase a condominium or house.

Goods dealer training

Learn about the real estate industry and use these real estate investing ideas step by step, with exercises where you make decisions on your own.

Real estate tax training

One of the keys for an investor is to optimize the taxation of their real estate assets. Become an expert in SCI IS, LMNP, LMP, Holding and corporate taxation but also short-term rental (LCD).

Why learn about real estate investment?

Real estate investment training has grown significantly, with many courses available, particularly on the Internet. This is a subject that can interest everyone, regardless of age or position (student, employee, entrepreneur, retiree, etc.).

4 reasons why understanding real estate investing is essential

  • A mistake in real estate can be very expensive.

Starting a real estate business can cost anywhere from a few tens to a few hundred thousand euros. It is essential to be informed and, above all, to avoid diving headlong without measuring the consequences.

  • Knowledge that will last a lifetime

We encounter real estate problems at every stage of life: buying a first home, renting a property, receiving an inheritance, etc. It is essential to understand the technical, financial and tax aspects of these investments in order to make wise choices.

  • An essential tool in the investor’s kit.

Investors frequently use real estate investment as the cornerstone of their various plans. Real estate is considered a safe haven, similar to physical gold, because it is less influenced by market fluctuations than the stock market.

  • You must be able to question the people with whom you are going to collaborate.

You will certainly be supported in one or more phases of your real estate project, and you will deal with several service providers who must be able to understand and ask questions: real estate agents, property hunters, brokers, bankers, notaries, rental management agencies …,

Frequently asked questions about training

When was the last time you refreshed your training?

Online training is continuously updated.

How long are the lessons?

The duration of a course is between 8 and 60 hours. You can progress at your own pace and frequent quizzes allow you to assess your understanding. Video coaching punctuates the lessons.

How much education is needed to become a real estate investor?

We offer services for all levels of investors. Every investor, from novice to seasoned veteran, can find something to suit them.

Is it possible to put what I learned into practice directly after the course?

Here is the goal. The goal of the training is to give you the tools you need to take action and/or surround yourself with people who can help you do so. You will be able to put your skills into practice during the training.

How can I finance my real estate investment training?

My training account (CPF) can help you finance your real estate training.

During their employment, each employee adds euros to their personal training account. If you have enough money, your real estate investment training can be paid for in full.

If you only have a limited number of hours, you can use money in your account to make up the difference, including direct payment.

Self-finance your real estate training

You can finance your real estate investment training yourself. Payments can be made in three to 8 months.

This payment option allows faster access to online training.

With Pôle Emploi, you can finance your real estate training.

Pôle Emploi can help you finance your training, depending on your particular situation. Consult your Pôle Emploi advisor to ensure that a training program is accepted.

For more information, visit the website at Job Center.

Using your OPCA – OPCB

The employer pays a monthly contribution to the OPCO (Skills Operators) – OPCA on which it depends.

Funds may be transferred to you so that you can pay for your training if the situation is suitable (for example, following a professionalization contract, retraining or other factors).

The 3 Best Real Estate Training Courses (Online)

Buying real estate has several advantages, and it is considered one of the safest investments. To make buying real estate a regular income, you need to understand the fundamentals of real estate and get help.

The Yann Darwin training is the most comprehensive program available.

Yann Darwin was trained on the job. He decided to launch his own training and created the Academy of Profitable Investors, after spending several years in the real estate investment sector.

With a wide range of high-quality material, this course is now considered one of the most comprehensive on the market.

What is Yann Darwin’s solution?

Yann Darwin teaches individuals how to start making money right away with his training. There is no need to wait 20 years before seeing the first benefits, according to him.

He also wants everyone to understand that you don’t need to have a large amount of money to start investing in real estate.

Finally, Yann Darwin suggests to his clients to learn the tax system in order to avoid having excessively taxed earnings. To support these three statements, this investor offers complete digital training to Internet users.

Find the full opinion on Yann Darwin’s training by clicking Here.

YANN DARWIN GREENBULL Create and develop a predominantly real estate business


Combining personal and professional growth: This is what I learned from Christopher Wangen’s training.

Christopher Wangen, a working-class kid who decided late in life to get into real estate, has had an astonishing career. His achievement is truly remarkable: he quit his job and lived entirely off his interests after just two years thanks to his rental income.

After that, Mr. Wangen decided to offer his expertise by setting up comprehensive training on the Internet. He wants to help everyone escape from society and become free.

What does Christopher Wangen’s training consist of?

Today, Mr. Wangen offers a comprehensive training program called Become a real estate annuitant. Users with Internet access can participate in six different courses.

The first is to help the client develop as an individual. Christopher Wangen emphasizes that to succeed, you need to be in the right frame of mind.

According to him, this is one of the essential prerequisites for achieving your goals. Therefore, you should complete this self-improvement course before moving on to real estate lessons.

The user can then move on to a lesson on money and real estate principles, after which they can study the module on renting. The last four topics covered are buying and selling, taxes and bank credit.

Courses in this program are delivered through online video lectures. These are recordings of lectures given by Christopher Wangen. This material is available free of charge to everyone and is updated regularly.

Users can also join a Facebook group where they can communicate with other members.

Finally, customers can arrange a phone conversation with Christopher Wangen staff to talk about various issues.

Damien Lahmi’s Courses: combining theory and application

Damien Lahmi started investing in real estate right after obtaining a management degree and starting a career in the banking sector. In 2006, he began his career in real estate and has since expanded it throughout France.

Today, he offers his expertise on his website and invites everyone to learn online.

What would Damien Lahmi like to add?

Damien Lahmi offers his clients complete theoretical training. He draws on his financial knowledge and personal investments to help you realize your real estate project. However, this is not just a theoretical question.

Indeed, Damien Lahmi suggests that he would like to work on real situations so that everyone can learn to discover the best deal and make the best investment.

In addition to concrete examples, each future investor can follow the progress of other trainees and obtain information regarding their real estate transactions.

Damien Lahmi’s intensive program is designed to allow those who wish to get to the heart of the matter through a comprehensive course.


There are many training courses that will help you plan your real estate project while increasing its profitability.

Whether you want in-depth training at a lower price or something in between, you can customize your course with these three investors.

However, I would like to emphasize the fact that behind the training of Yann Darwin There is Greenbull which represents more than 100 employees and a group of companies worth 80 million euros. We are therefore far, far from being a simple training seller and you will have at your disposal an army of coaches and advisors to support you in your projects.

So I’ll let you make your choice and wish you great success!

If the price is holding you back, I invite you to view the basics of real estate investment by clicking below. It’s a FREE 6-hour training course that will allow you to have the best possible foundations!

yann darwin greenbull access to free training

formations dropshipping

What dropshipping training?

There is a multitude of dropshipping training and finding the right one is not easy. This is why in this article we are going to compare the different training courses on the market so that you can find the one that suits you best. There are very comprehensive dropshipping training courses that will allow you to know everything about dropshipping. Others are more intended to learn everything about affiliate marketing. There are even training courses that will show you how to create a dropshipping store without spending any money. We will therefore start by comparing the different dropshipping training courses which will allow you to know everything about dropshipping. The most complete dropshipping training courses on the market The most complete dropshipping training courses on the market are those of Thibault Jobert, Guillaume Lecointre and Maxence Rigottier.

How to become a dropshipper?

Dropshipping training is a way to get started in a new business.

This training allows you to know where to find the products you want to sell, how to sell them, and what steps to take to get started.

You will find many dropshipping training sites on the internet, but it is best to check the reliability of these sites before registering.

You will also find free dropshipping learning sites on the internet, but you will have more difficulty profiting from them.

Indeed, paid dropshipping training will allow you to have access to tutorials and professional advice given by professionals.

Dropshipping training allows you to become a dropshipper quickly and thus avoid making mistakes that could be fatal to you.

However, becoming a dropshipper gives you the opportunity to earn money quickly, without the need for a large investment.

All you need to do is find a supplier and sell their products.

You should know that dropshipping is a very profitable business and that many young people get into dropshipping every year.

Becoming a dropshipper is a good idea, but you should know that it is not an easy job.

Indeed, to succeed in dropshipping, you need to be very motivated and have a lot of willpower.

You should also know that dropshipping is not an easy business and that you have to work a lot to earn money.

So you must be willing to work hard and not get discouraged easily.

If you are going into dropshipping, it is important to know that you must have a good knowledge of online selling and online advertising.

Additionally, it is important to know that you cannot make money selling products that you do not have knowledge about and do not know how to sell them.

Dropshipping training is a way to get started in a new business.

Dropshipping training allows you to know where to find the products you want to sell, how to sell them, and what steps to take to get started.

Which training should you choose for dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a practice which consists of selling products without having to store them. We can say that it is a means of importing and exporting products in view of an Ecommerce site. What’s different is the fact that you don’t have to worry about delivering the products since the supplier takes care of it. You just need to take care of the sales and communication.

This represents a major advantage in that you do not have to worry about storing products and delivering them. This is an advantage for entrepreneurs who do not have the means to invest in a large stock of products.

Dropshipping training is training that allows you to know all the online sales techniques and above all to support you in creating an Ecommerce site.

There are many dropshipping training courses with different objectives and prices. The choice of training depends on your needs and expectations.

We offer training that allows you to learn how to create your online dropshipping store. This training teaches you everything you need to know about dropshipping from A to Z.

It is important to note that dropshipping is not an easy way to make money. You must put in place all the necessary strategies to succeed in this activity.

What’s great about dropshipping is that you don’t have to invest a lot of money to get started. All you need is an Ecommerce site and a supplier. Can you start with 20? and increase your turnover every time.

The major advantage of dropshipping is that you can make it a full-time or part-time business. All you have to do is create your site and take care of the rest in your free time.

Do not hesitate to consult our training and contact us with any questions.

groupe greenbull

Greenbull Campus review of their training programs!

GreenBull is a French start-up that uses cutting-edge technologies to develop better goods and services. The organization, which counts twelve brands and companies among its members, promotes financial education among individuals and strives to help them improve their purchasing power through the use of its offers and products. We notably find Yann Darwin who shares his experience but also many experts in many fields.

The origins of Greenbull

Greenbull was founded in 2011 by a group of friends who wanted to share their passion for improving people’s lives and pursuing a sustainable future.

They started a private equity firm to invest in a biotechnology company specializing in cancer treatment while they were still students. Guillaume Monges, Jean-Guillaume Deiss and Benoit Martin, who met on a university bench in Canada, are not afraid of taking out personal loans. They then turned to a consumer loan in order to meet the minimum investment requirement for this first equity investment. This first entrepreneurial effort, in which they put all their money, will fail and make them stronger as a result.

Greenbull understood from the start that technological development is a powerful mechanism to improve everyone’s lives, and therefore set up an R&D project on algorithmic trading.

A dizzying pace of progress

Since its inception, Greenbull has gained valuable expertise and specialist knowledge in private equity through interaction with experienced and seasoned partners. The number of members of the organization increased and, after years of recruitment, it ended up integrating Brice Roehrig and Jérôme Lejeune, who were also active in the field.

The Greenbull Group was established in late 2017, and has since grown rapidly. When we have a common vision and a common cause, human chemistry naturally occurs around a shared goal and the desire to do better. The third member of the team is Yann-Loïc Chort, who later joined the team for good measure. Greenbull, unlike start-ups, was created after seven years of growth and maturation.

To make a difference, be different.

By defining its own model, Greenbull sets itself apart from existing standards and stands out. The Greenbull Group believes in the power of a “collective brain” to be more efficient and more agile. He therefore surrounds himself with individuals who complement each other to create and share a vision of the business project. The combination of unique skills organized around a common objective produces a particularly positive development dynamic.

The Greenbull Group has chosen to deviate from the typical group governance model, generally composed of one, two or three partners, and has opted for a complementary mix of profiles.

The group’s structure is therefore based on a horizontal organization and on the synergy between its different partners, each of whom has distinct and complementary talents.

Greenbull Group’s management team has chosen to remain private since 2011, rejecting a VC and having to forgo a large portion of the money.

The six participants in the joint venture were convinced that their strength came from a “collective brain”, a shared vision and a convergent energy. They were opposed to the dilution of the capital which they still retain today, i.e. 93% of the capital.

A start-up that defies norms

This decidedly unusual group, which is reinventing the standard start-up model, is driven by a singular belief: people can live better lives and have more personal freedom if the economy works for them, not against them. Unity, vision and enthusiasm for entrepreneurship are the driving forces of this resolutely extraordinary collective. The Greenbull Group, which consists of a constellation of start-ups, calls itself “anti-start-up” in terms of its corporate governance, management of the business model and the way it manages its money.

The unique character of the group is due to the fact that the organizations that make it up are structured like a start-up.

The ultimate goal of a business is to be profitable: this is the exact opposite reasoning to that of start-ups.

This group, concerned with profitability since its creation, does not want to waste money irresponsibly. There is no race to raise funds or raise the profile of this unusual group, which sits in the relatively uncommon realm of successful companies. The amount of liquidity requested is reasonable, and is the bare minimum required to deploy more money and accelerate development. The group’s goal of increasing profits is also essential to improve its goods and services to satisfy customers. This “frugality” is not to displease investors.

Because it requires less funds and does not need to rely on large investors, the Greenbull Group has a head start in seeking private investors.

This approach reduces the time needed to create a fundraiser, reduces the number of people to convince and eliminates administrative paperwork when due diligence procedures can take months. Greenbull’s decision to adopt a targeted marketing approach put the company in a strong position to respond and adapt quickly.

The Greenbull group has managed to grow its team (70 at present) while increasing its revenues and maintaining its profitability by breaking with the usual logic of start-ups. In a time where it has never been easier to get money, many companies believe that by hiring 100 people they will automatically be able to generate cash. Greenbull uses a low-risk approach by defining an activity before hiring and then raising capital, with each resource provided serving as an engine of growth.


Independent and cumulative activities

Greenbull Group, unlike 99% of start-ups that have focused on a single business, has sought to build overlapping businesses that can be run simultaneously (trading, insurance, financial education, real estate and business).

Risk pooling is an excellent approach to strengthening multidisciplinary skills. Having several sources of income allows Greenbull to compensate for the shortcomings of one company with the help of another, to create synergy between them and to advocate transversality. A Thinkbig customer, for example, who is learning how to invest in real estate to generate additional income, may consider diversifying into the financial markets through TechX.

The Greenbull Group is fully aware of the dangers associated with dispersion and defocus, which is why it always has a well-researched plan with focus points and phasing procedures.

A wide range of activities

Greenbull Group is an innovative company that has created a comprehensive ecosystem and variety of alternative services that seek to disrupt existing paradigms so individuals can learn, diversify their skills and make connections.

Greenbull sought to democratize trading by making the once elitist field, reserved for professionals, available to individuals with ARYA.

It is the only complete trading ecosystem that includes, in addition to support, semi-automatic ARYA trading algorithm technology created by TechX. The solution, which took more than seven years to develop, executes hundreds of pre-programmed and automated situations for customers.

In order to educate consumers about real estate investment and income diversification, ThinkBig delivers an online training program on on four major levers of profitability (real estate, finance, taxation and trading) via its new Greenbull platform. Campus.

Ease and simplicity are the essence of this edutech’s strategy, which consists of educating and guiding new or experienced real estate investors on the path to financial success of their real estate projects by following them over time. Yann-Loïc Chort (aka Yann Darwin), the founder of the Academy of Profitable Investors (renamed “Building a Real Estate Business”), offers an excellent real estate curriculum that includes over 60 hours of video lessons in which he addresses the subject .

As a result, the company is expanding its cross-functional approach by allowing investors to co-invest in highly successful real estate projects through its specialized investor platform. The majority of these activities are now located in France, Portugal, Dubai, New York and Colorado in the United States.

It is also with this transversal method that the Greenbull Group launched the BIFF (Business Real Estate Finance Festival), the first and only French gathering for those who wish to invest in real estate.

The event, which focuses on real estate, business, finance, management, investment and entrepreneurship, aims to provide different stakeholders with the opportunity to generate opportunities and network connections.

With a renowned headliner, the next edition of the Festival will offer expert speeches, specialist interventions, round tables, meetings and discussions. Idriss Aberkane, Oussama Ammar, Philippe Croizon, Yann Darwin, Rodolphe and Xavier (independent traders), Philippine Dolbeau, Jean-Guillaume

Alongside these investor-related activities, Greenbull also wanted to reach a market that is largely underrepresented in the startup world: older adults.

The objective: to use new technologies to help them gain purchasing power and improve their standard of living. Greenbull asked Santors, an insurance broker specializing in seniors, to take a different approach. By using digital levers and promoting direct contact with its customers, Greenbull has chosen to do things differently by employing Santors

Focus and opinions on Greenbull Campus training

Anxious to constantly provide qualitative and personalized advice, last year Greenbull Group made many improvements and modifications to their training programs.

Including a complete renaming of the programs but also a complete overhaul of their platform with Greenbull campus.

This company completely breaks the rules thanks to the coaching you benefit from when you buy one of their training courses 100% on the web. Learners can therefore benefit from personalized advice by asking their questions to expert coaches on the private Facebook group, particularly on the legal aspect, which is an indisputable asset.

The training offered by the group is almost all financeable via the CPF and QUALOPI certified, so it is an organization you can turn to if you want to change jobs!

Valuation of customer capital

Greenbull’s success is due to its model, which takes advantage of the pooling of its operations, and it has undoubtedly demonstrated a significant capacity to remonetize consumers and reduce acquisition costs.

The Greenbull group provides quality services so that its clients become prescribers of group activities to other potential clients. The group has also developed sponsorship networks as part of its virtuous circle strategy thanks to a department dedicated to this activity.

The first step towards globalization would be the opening of the foreign market.

At the start of 2020, the major challenge for the Greenbull group will be to launch its flagship ARYA service globally, starting with North America.

Recognizing the enormous global potential of the ARYA trading network, significant expansion is already underway in the United States, which is a very large market for trading and investing in financial markets. The organization is also conducting a survey of possible future locations to expand its horizons, as well as neighboring European nations like the United Kingdom and all other Northern European countries. In the very short term, openings are being considered in Asia, while investigations have also been carried out in neighboring regions of North America.

Strengthen its presence in France

The French market, which is a particularly difficult and complex market, and with an unstable economic climate for more than a year, has been simply spectacular for GreenBull. The Greenbull Group is keen to expand into simpler markets, building on its recent success in a difficult market. The Greenbull Group is enthusiastic about continuing to increase its presence in France, where the activity has seen significant development. The organization has tripled its revenue over the past two years and now has more than 70 workers.

The new strategy will include not only an increased focus on the BtoC sector, but also a desire to compete in the BtoB market. The Greenbull group, which has until now focused on BtoC activity, now aims to establish itself as a leader in this field.

le vendeur

How to learn dropshipping?

How to learn dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a growing activity that generates increasing turnover. This is why individuals and organizations are increasingly turning to this activity. Dropshipping has an exceptional advantage: no investment is necessary, which allows you to train and train without risk. It is therefore important to know the different steps to follow to train in this activity.

What is dropshipping?

Dropshipping is an activity that involves selling products without inventory. To be more specific, the person who sells the products does not need to stock the products he is selling. To illustrate this activity, we will take an example: -The seller is an individual who sells products on the internet. -The seller sells products manufactured abroad. -The seller does not know the manufacturer. -The seller is therefore obliged to use a supplier. -This supplier will be the intermediary between the seller and the manufacturer. So we can infer that the seller does not need to store the products he sells, because the supplier is the one who stores the products. The seller also does not need to know the manufacturer, because the supplier is the one who knows the manufacturer. The seller therefore no longer needs to take care of product manufacturing and storage. This is why he can concentrate on selling the products. So the seller does not need to take care of logistics. This is why we talk about dropshipping.

How to learn dropshipping?

For learn dropshipping, it is important to follow a few steps. First of all, it is important to learn about dropshipping, because it is an activity where we do not master the workings. Then, it is essential to choose a sector of activity. That is to say, choose a product or a category of products on which you want to focus. Once the sector of activity has been chosen, it is important to choose a supplier. The supplier will be the one who will provide the product that the seller wishes to sell. Once the supplier has been chosen, it is important to choose a sales platform. The sales platform is the tool that will allow products to be sold. Thus, the sales platform will allow the product to be sold online. It is important to choose a sales platform that is adapted to our sector of activity. To illustrate these steps, we will take an example: -The seller is an individual who wishes to learn dropshipping. -The seller intends to sell jewelry. -The seller does not have a supplier. -The seller also does not have a sales platform. Once these steps are completed, it is important to focus on selling the products.

How to sell products via dropshipping?

It is important to focus on selling products because that is the seller’s business. The supplier is the one who takes care of logistics, i.e. storage and delivery. To sell products through dropshipping, it is important to choose products to sell. Once the products have been chosen, it is important to present them on the sales platform. The presentation of the products consists of taking photos of them and writing a description of each product. This way, the seller can concentrate on selling. To sell products, it is important to choose a sales method. To illustrate this step, we will take an example: -The seller is an individual who wishes to learn dropshipping. -The seller intends to sell jewelry. -The seller has a supplier. -The seller has a sales platform, namely Facebook. So, the seller needs to choose a sales method. There are several sales methods. To start with dropshipping, it is advisable to choose home sales. Home selling involves selling products to loved ones. So, the seller is ready to sell products through dropshipping.


Dropshipping is a growing activity that generates increasing turnover. This is why individuals and organizations are increasingly turning to this activity. Dropshipping has an exceptional advantage: no investment is necessary, which allows you to train and train without risk. It is therefore important to know the different steps to follow to train in this activity.

yomi denzel

How to get Yomi Denzel training?

How to get ECOM PRO from Yomi Denzel?

I wrote a full review on ECOM PRO which you can find in a dedicated article.

Training of Yomi Denzel

How to get Yomi Denzel training?

It’s simple, just look up your training on the Internet. This training is made up of several video modules to learn how to create a business on the Internet. This business can be an online store, a blog with Google Adsense advertising, a blog that sells products mainly through dropshipping…

This training is therefore very complete and certainly the best training for learning how to create a business on the Internet.

To have Yomi Denzel training, you must first find out your current level. In fact, you must be at the right level to register for this training.

Then, you must create an account on the internet to access the training. To do this, you can use your email address.

Yomi Denzel Training

Many people ask this question, it’s normal. But I will answer you straight away. I have access to his training.

Yomi Denzel

Yomi Denzel is a person who is very interesting to me. I would like to know how to have his training to become rich and how to have everything he has. I would like to know how to get training and the prices of training.

For example, I would like to know how much the “Yomi Denzel” training from the “Yomi Denzel” blog costs.

Here are the answers To access the training, simply register and pay €997

Yomi Denzel’s training is one of the ones that can help you earn money on the internet. This training is only available online. It is a complete training course for all beginners who want to make money on the internet. To have Yomi Denzel’s training, you have to pay an amount of money which is €997. This training is especially recommended for those who want to earn money on the internet in an easy way. To receive Yomi Denzel training, you must register on the Yomi Denzel website. The Yomi Denzel site is the only site that provides training for Yomi Denzel. One of the easiest methods to make money on the internet is training from Yomi Denzel. You won’t need to advertise to make money with this training. Yomi Denzel’s training is one of the most recommended to help you earn money on the internet. Yomi Denzel is an expert in the field of internet training. To receive Yomi Denzel training, you must register on the Yomi Denzel website.

vous pouvez

How to create a site on Shopify?

How to create a Shopify store?

To create a site on Shopify Free, you can use a free or paid theme. The process of creating and customizing your site is simplified with the demo theme. If you want to use a paid theme, you can start with the 14-day free trial. Once you have chosen the theme for your site, you can start customizing it.

Customizing your Shopify site is done using the theme builder. With Theme Builder, you can edit all content areas of your site, starting with text, images, videos, and backgrounds. You can also change the colors and typography of your site.

The Theme Builder is a tool that allows you to modify your theme code directly from your store. You can add fonts, backgrounds, buttons and any other customization elements to your site.

You can also use Theme Builder to edit pages for a free or paid theme.

What is Shopify?

Shopify is an online platform that allows you to host your e-commerce site and manage it easily. The interface is user-friendly and allows anyone to create an online sales site, even if they have no computer skills. The subscription is paid, but the service is quality.

Shopify is SaaS software. This means that it is online, and you can access it at any time. It is normally used to create e-commerce sites for individuals or professionals. You can have a product sales site, but also a reservation or subscription site, everything is possible. Once your site is created, you can sell your products online and carry out marketing activities.

The service is in French. After signing up for a subscription, you can simply log in and start building your site. Once it is created, you can put it online and manage it on a daily basis. Shopify also offers online payment solutions, as well as inventory management solutions. You can therefore centralize all of your activities on this platform.

To create a site on Shopify, you must start by purchasing a subscription. Shopify offers different subscriptions, ranging from $29 to $299 per month. The smallest subscription, at $29, is very limited, it does not allow you to add products for free, nor to benefit from all the commercial management options. The $299 package is the most complete, and allows you to benefit from all the features of the platform.

Once subscribed, you can create your site. Simply log in to your Shopify account and access the creation interface. Then you choose a template, and you start customizing it. You can add products, images, texts, videos, as well as links to your social networks, to publicize and promote your site. Once your site is created, you can put it online and start selling your products online.

The advantages of Shopify are numerous. The first thing is that you can create your site without special computer knowledge. You create your site in just a few clicks, and you can modify it just as easily. You can then manage your site on a daily basis, add products, manage your catalog, and track your sales. The platform offers other interesting services, such as inventory management, online payment solutions, marketing modules, etc. It is therefore possible to do everything online, and to centralize all of your activities on Shopify.

The downsides of Shopify are few. The main thing is that the platform is paid. You have to take out a subscription to be able to create a site, and these subscriptions are relatively expensive. The smallest subscription is $29 per month, and it is very limited. You must therefore subscribe to the full package to be able to have all the features. It is therefore an investment to take into account when you create your site, but you are assured of being able to sell your products online without worries.

vendre produits

What is the difference between dropshipping and e-commerce?

What is dropshipping and e-commerce?

Dropshipping represents an online sales method which consists of placing an order with a supplier who takes care of shipping the order to the end customer. In terms of flow management, the dropshipping is a distribution method that involves placing an order with a supplier who takes care of shipping the order to the end customer. Dropshipping is a very tempting process because it does not require having stock or even having to face financial risks. In this economic model, the seller does not have stock and does not manage the delivery of the goods himself. E-commerce is the online sale of goods and services, that is, sales over the Internet. E-commerce represents a growing market. Today, students who want to get started in entrepreneurship tend to turn to online business. It is true that e-commerce has many advantages such as: Price: e-commerce sites often sell their products more expensively, because they do not bear the same costs as traditional merchants Availability of products: we can find easily find products that cannot be found in stores Speed: packages generally arrive more quickly than in stores Variety of products: you can find products that are not available in stores Home delivery: transport is supported by the e-commerce site E-commerce represents an effective way to increase sales without increasing costs. The difference between traditional commerce and e-commerce is that traditional commerce allows you to sell products or services in-store while e-commerce allows you to sell products or services online.

What is e-commerce?

E-commerce (online commerce) is a website that presents and sells products. It is an e-commerce site that will sell dropshipping products.

Dropshipping is a system of selling products online without having them in stock. We use dropshipping when we want to sell products online without having to buy the products before selling them. We sell the products online and have the products delivered directly to the customer by the supplier.

Dropshipping is a system that allows you to sell products without having them in stock. It is the supplier who manages the delivery of products to the customer.

Is dropshipping different from e-commerce?

The dropshipping method is similar to e-commerce in that it allows you to sell products without storing them. It works as follows: the online seller buys a product from a third party to resell it with an attractive margin. It is possible to use the eBay or Amazon platform for dropshipping. This allows you to sell the products at favorable prices, which is a great selling point. You can purchase a product from a wholesaler or manufacturer. This allows you to buy in bulk at great prices. Then you can resell the items at a different price. For example, you can buy a product for 50? to resell it at a price of 130?. This is called gross margin. You still have to deduct the costs of the e-commerce site, the cost of the delivery person, advertising costs, taxes and the cost of the product. This allows you to know the net profit.

Dropshipping differs from e-commerce in that the company does not have stock. In fact, the wholesaler or manufacturer only delivers the product after the customer’s order. The dropshipping business is therefore less risky since you only buy the products after the customer orders. You don’t have to worry about managing inventory and orders. You should know that most wholesalers offer delivery services which can include delivery on behalf of your company. You can take advantage of this to improve the customer experience and thus increase turnover. If you want to get started in dropshipping, it is essential to use a wholesaler who offers white label delivery services. This allows you to better manage your e-commerce and build a good reputation. You can also choose to become a reseller of a dropshipping product. This allows you to make the link between the supplier and the wholesaler. Most people who chose this option chose to sell the product on classifieds sites like eBay and Leboncoin.

Dropshipping is a successful method because it is simple to set up. You don’t have to worry about delivery and managing inventory. This allows you to focus on growing your business. The advantage of opting for this method is that you do not need significant capital. You should know that it is possible to test dropshipping on Amazon for free. Indeed, it is possible to sell dropshipping products on Amazon without having to pay a single cent. The only constraint to selling on Amazon is paying delivery costs. You should know that the profit margin is 25% on Amazon. It is therefore possible to dropship on Amazon without needing to pay subscription fees. This allows you to test dropshipping without taking the slightest risk. You can also choose to dropship products on eBay. This allows you to make a name for yourself in the market and grow your dropshipping business. You should know that dropshipping is a method that allows you to quickly start an online business. You don’t need a lot of capital to get started. You just need to search for the right products to make money with dropshipping.

E-commerce: a growing sector

E-commerce, or online commerce, is a constantly evolving market and represents an opportunity for those who wish to launch into entrepreneurship. Dropshipping is a particularly interesting online sales method because it allows you to sell products without having to manage stock. To get started in dropshipping, Shopify is an essential platform.

Shopify: the ideal solution for getting started in dropshipping

Shopify is a turnkey e-commerce platform that makes it easy to create your online store and manage your sales activity. With Shopify, you can set up your store in just a few clicks, choose a theme, add products and manage orders. Shopify also has a multitude of apps and integrations to make managing your store easier, especially when it comes to dropshipping.

Indeed, Shopify offers several applications dedicated to dropshipping, such as Oberlo, which allows you to find suppliers and import products directly into your Shopify store. With these tools, you can automate order management and inventory synchronization with your suppliers, saving you valuable time and allowing you to focus on promoting and growing your store.

Take advantage of the exceptional offer of 3 months for 1 euro per month


To help entrepreneurs get started in e-commerce and dropshipping, Shopify is currently offering an exceptional offer: 3 months of subscription for only 1 euro per month. This offer is an opportunity to seize for those who wish to test the platform and start their online store at a lower cost.

With this plan, you get all the basic features of Shopify to create and manage your online store, as well as access to apps and integrations dedicated to dropshipping. Additionally, Shopify has responsive customer support and extensive documentation to assist you in creating and managing your online store.

In conclusion, dropshipping is an excellent opportunity to get started in online commerce without having to manage inventory. Shopify is an ideal platform to start your dropshipping business, thanks to its many features and dedicated applications. Don’t hesitate to take advantage of the 3 month offer for 1 euro per month to start your e-commerce adventure and develop your online store.

Notre avis sur les formations du Docteur Olivier Madelrieux

Our opinion on the training of Doctor Olivier Madelrieux

Dr. Olivier Madelrieux is a French-Canadian physician who specializes in helping people who want to overcome their mental limitations and achieve abundance in all areas of life.

He has developed a unique training program that combines traditional and modern techniques to help people realize their full potential.

His training is based on the principles of neuroplasticity, that is, the brain’s ability to change and adapt in response to new experiences.

This means that by participating in its trainings, you can actually rewire your brain to think differently and achieve more success in all areas of your life.

So if you are looking for a way to unlock your mental potential and start achieving abundance in all areas of your life, then Dr. Olivier Madelrieux is definitely someone you should consult.

The enigmatic Dr Olivier Madelrieux: what can he bring you?

Olivier Madelrieux has a lot of experience in the field of human behavior and the brain. He was born on February 13, 1963 and currently resides in AGEN, France. During his 25 years of experience, he has dedicated himself to the study of the subconscious and all the methods that can be used to understand it. In order to gain a deeper understanding, Olivier traveled to many different countries. His work is popular with many people because he is able to offer valuable insight and advice.

The main training programs of Dr. Olivier Madelrieux

If you’re looking for online training to improve your confidence and self-esteem, look no further than Dr. Olivier Madelrieux. It offers a multitude of different lessons on various subjects that will help you achieve your short, medium or long term goals. After watching his videos on YouTube, you will be well on your way to conquering whatever goal you have set for yourself. So check out some of his amazing training courses below and get started today!

Hypnosis levels 1 and 2 with French expert Doctor Olivier Madelrieux

Olivier Madelrieux’s hypnosis training is the perfect way to discover and improve your hypnotic meditation skills. The content is designed for beginners and professionals, so you can get the most out of it, whatever your level. You will discover how to implement hypnotic meditation for yourself or your patients, its benefits and the different steps to follow. I highly recommend this program!

Olivier Madelrieux Hypnosis Level 1 and 2 training review

ACCESS HYPNOSIS levels 1 & 2

Olivier Madelrieux’s energy healing training

will help you understand your energy system and protect you from negative energies. The 103 protocols included in the course will help you cleanse your aura, chakras and meridians. You will also learn how to carry out an energy assessment and use different techniques to clean your space. This training is essential for anyone who wants to improve their well-being and live a healthier life.

ACCESS Energy Care

Olivier Madelrieux training on Lecher antennas

is now available to you without paying any fees! This program is a great tool to help you purify your environment and balance your chakras. Cradle of anchors, memories and emotions, it is important that they are balanced to promote your well-being. The program content consists of 25 videos in 4K format. They last more than 3 hours during which you must be concentrated. In addition to videos, the Antenne de Lecher program includes: unlimited access to a private website for 1 year with

Olivier Madelrieux training review The Lecher antenna

ACCESS THE Lecher Antenna

Olivier Madelrieux’s “Hack your brain” program

is composed of 5 parts: the alignment of the 3 Selves, the 3 essential keys, the zero state exercise, the flash practice and the complete 6-week protocol.

The first part, 3 Selves Alignment, is about becoming aware of your different Selves and making sure they are aligned with each other. The second part, the 3 essential keys, is to start changing your mindset and thought patterns. The third part, the zero state exercise, involves getting rid of all negative emotions and thoughts. The fourth part, flash practice, concerns the practice of meditation and mindfulness. The fifth and final part, the Complete 6 Week Protocol, involves following a step-by-step plan to reprogram your brain for success.

Through these different approaches, the objective is to impact your neurotransmitters of joy and happiness in order to enjoy well-being. The “Hack your brain” program is a great way to change your mindset and achieve your goals.

Hack your brain training Olivier Madelrieux reviews

ACCESS Hack your brain

The subconscious program of Olivier Madelrieux

is a comprehensive guide that will help you take control of your life and achieve your goals.

The program includes 23 exercises that will help you build your self-esteem and confidence. Through these activities, you will be able to quickly achieve success.

Although the program tasks only take you one day, they are essential to reaching your full potential. I highly recommend taking this training from the famous doctor who has already helped countless people change their lives for the better.

By following Olivier Madelrieux’s subconscious program, you will finally be able to achieve the success you have always dreamed of. There’s no time to waste, so get started today and change your life for the better!

Reprogram your subconscious training Olivier Madelrieux personal development opinion

ACCESS Reprogram your subconscious

Training in the law of attraction by Olivier Madelrieux

If you want to learn how to use the law of attraction to your advantage, you need to check out Olivier Madelrieux’s training programs. Dr. Madelrieux is an expert on the subject and can help you learn how to adjust your emotions, stay consistent, and enjoy well-being. Thanks to his training on financial abundance, you will be able to manifest everything you desire. If you’re ready to make positive changes in your life, sign up for one of her classes today!

doctor Olivier Madelrieux training Law of Integral Attraction opinion

ACCESS THE Law of Integral Attraction

The real Ho’oponopono training of Olivier Madelrieux

allows you to discover the true meaning of this Hawaiian spiritual tradition. You will be able to achieve peace of soul, body and spirit thanks to the effective techniques taught by Dr. Madelrieux. This training provides you with all the tools you need to live a balanced life, full of joy and happiness. Join us today and begin your journey toward inner peace and reconciliation.

True Ho’oponopono training and advice from Doctor Olivier Madelrieux

ACCESS True Ho'oponopono

Additional training with Olivier Madelrieux


-Magnetism training

-Self-hypnosis training

-Financial abundance training (requires daily routines and dedication to succeed)

Coronavirus advisory:

The coronavirus is linked to the immune system, Olivier Madelrieux’s opinion on the subject is therefore very valuable.

You will find more information on Olivier Madelrieux’s website:

I highly recommend his books, they are very useful for understanding how the subconscious works and how to modify it for success.

Olivier Madelrieux opinion Attract Financial Abundance Free yourself from the Consciousness of scarcity and Reprogram your Financial Thermostat

ACCESS Financial Abundance