Coaching Lyon Annecy » Web marketing » Explode your B2B sales with these advanced segmentation tactics for your emailing lists!

Explode your B2B sales with these advanced segmentation tactics for your emailing lists!

Segment your list in a relevant way

A successful B2B email campaign relies on email personalization. To avoid sending the same email to all your prospects, it is essential to segment your subscriber list. Here are some tips for segmenting your list meaningfully.

Segmentation and its interest

In a marketing strategy, it is essential not to group all your contacts into a single mailing list. Corporate clients appreciate receiving emails tailored to their expectations. This is why it is necessary to segment your list into several subscriber lists. Otherwise, your prospects may lose interest in poorly targeted emails, which can lead to high unsubscribe rates. This can have catastrophic consequences, such as emails ending up in spam or no follow-up.

It is therefore essential that your company’s marketing department pays particular attention to the segmentation of your subscriber list, as well as to the content of emails. Each recipient is unique in terms of needs, profile and maturity in a B2B inbound marketing campaign.

Data to populate your lists

A good marketing strategy starts with an in-depth knowledge of your future customers. This allows you to deliver the content they want at the most opportune time. It is therefore important to collect all possible data about the companies that are interested in you. A registration link in an email is a first source for integrating a visitor into your subscriber lists.

However, the most valuable data for segmenting your contacts is the data you collect from their behavior when they interact with your emails or your website. This information can be obtained using suitable analysis tools.

What marketing criteria to segment?

There are many criteria for segmenting your subscriber list. The most common criterion concerns socio-demographic data, such as the position occupied by your contacts in the client company. It’s also important to segment based on your prospects’ behavior, such as opening an email, downloading a document, or visiting a web page.

Lead scoring tools allow you to know the maturity level of your prospects, which requires appropriate segmentation in your emailing campaigns. If your future customers are looking for certain products, an email containing information on this range of products will be welcome. When a prospect shows interest in the products your company sells, an email showing the satisfaction of your past customers can encourage them to engage.

Other levels of segmentation

It is possible to go further in personalizing your emails by using other levels of segmentation. For example, the time an email is sent can promote a good open rate. Subscribers who have been inactive for a long time can be targeted with a reminder email or removed from the list to avoid increasing the failure rate. However, it is important not to multiply segments unnecessarily, at the risk of having lists that are too complex.

Constantly updated lists

Relevant and responsive segmentation cannot do without an automation tool, which constitutes the basis of any marketing strategy. Once your segments are well defined, it is the responsibility of your marketing team to keep them up to date. Your subscribers should be regularly moved from one list to another depending on how their expectations change.

Finally, it is important to respect the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in order not to compromise your emailing campaigns by not respecting the consent of your customers for the use of their personal data.

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