arnaques lia

Artificial intelligence scams: risks to avoid!

Beware of these artificial intelligence scams: what you risk

With increasing technological advances, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an essential reality in our daily lives. However, this rapid evolution also presents risks, especially when it comes to AI scams. In this article, we will inform you about the potential dangers you could face and give you tips to avoid them.

Types of AI scams

There are different types of AI scams, each aimed at exploiting vulnerabilities in this emerging technology. Here are some common examples:

1. Voice assistant fraud: Some malicious people use voice recordings to trick voice assistants into carrying out unwanted commands. For example, an attacker could record your voice saying “Make a purchase” and use that recording to place an order on your behalf.

2. Manipulation of recommendation systems: Many sites and platforms use AI-based recommendation systems to suggest relevant products or content. However, malicious individuals can exploit these systems by providing false information in order to promote their own products or manipulate user opinions.

3. Deepfakes: This technique involves using AI to create deceptive videos or images that may appear real but are actually manipulations. Deepfakes can be used to create false information, defame people or damage their reputation.

Possible consequences

AI scams can have serious consequences, both individually and collectively. Here are some examples of the associated risks:

1. Financial Loss: If you are a victim of AI fraud, you could suffer significant financial losses. For example, if someone manages to use your voice to make purchases or manipulate recommendation systems to trick you into buying unnecessary products, you could lose money.

2. Privacy Breach: AI scams can compromise your privacy by exploiting sensitive data, such as voice recordings or personal information, to manipulate or extort you.

3. Disinformation: Deepfakes can be used to create false information that may appear credible. This can lead to the spread of misinformation and undermine public trust in information sources.

How to protect yourself?

It is essential to take steps to protect yourself against AI scams. Here are some practical tips:

1. Beware of suspicious requests: Be careful when you receive strange requests or commands from voice assistants or recommender systems. Always verify the authenticity of the request before taking action.

2. Protect your personal information: Limit the amount of sensitive information you share online and use strong passwords to protect your accounts.

3. Check news sources: Be critical of online content and always check the source before sharing or believing information.

4. Use deepfake detection tools: There are tools available that can help you detect deepfakes. Use them to verify the authenticity of videos or images that seem suspicious to you.

In conclusion, there are many benefits to AI, but it is also important to be aware of the potential risks associated with AI scams. By being vigilant and taking precautionary measures, you can protect your privacy and avoid falling victim to these scams.

securite informatique

Explosive Cybersecurity Trends in 2023: Discover the Crucial Secrets to Protecting Your Business!

The impact of the war between Russia and Ukraine

Cybersecurity has been affected by various events in recent years. Teleworking during the pandemic and the AI ​​phenomenon are recent examples. To understand the cybersecurity risks and precautions for your business, let’s take a detailed look at the 2023 digital security forecast.

Teleworking, a sustainable mode of operation?

Since 2020, in the midst of a pandemic, teleworking has become a new way of working to adopt. It continues to grow in 2023. However, it also poses IT security risks and attacks for businesses. The use of personal devices on corporate networks raises concerns for digital security teams. IT departments can no longer be certain, remotely, that the user requesting access to sensitive data is indeed an employee. Scams can therefore multiply without employees realizing it because there is less direct communication.

However, cybersecurity training can be provided to employees to inform them and help them avoid the pitfalls found on the Internet.

Automation: a trend to follow?

The volume of data is growing much faster than cybersecurity teams can manage it. It is increasingly common to automate certain tasks in order to focus on more complex elements. Algorithms can analyze data in real time and more efficiently than humans.

This frees up time for security teams who are often overwhelmed. Additionally, automation, combined with AI, helps reduce costs for the business.

Improvements in automation are becoming more and more clear and making it a trend to follow, although it does not replace an IT security team within your company.

A shortage of cybersecurity experts

With the growing demand for IT security around the world, a shortage of professionals is expected. To maintain optimal security, it is advisable to train your staff to handle cyberattacks. Developing the skills of current employees reduces costs and is beneficial for everyone. Staff will be more likely to stay with the company, feeling valued, and this could also attract potential new employees. This brings real added value to your business.

Recently, the US administration released a national cybersecurity strategy. However, in Europe, no measures have yet been established at this level. We therefore recommend that companies opt for their own IT security measures according to their budget: recruiting cybersecurity experts, training their own employees, automation, etc.

mesures securite

AtlasVPN: discover the new online security application

New study finds cyberattacks increased significantly in 2020

A recent study revealed a significant increase in the number of cyberattacks in 2020. This study, carried out by Atlas VPN, highlights the growing risks businesses face when it comes to digital security.

According to the study, the number of cyberattacks increased by 33% over the past year. This represents a considerable increase compared to previous years and highlights the growing importance of online security.

The study also reveals that phishing attacks increased by 44% in 2020. Phishing is a technique commonly used by cybercriminals to obtain sensitive information such as login credentials, passwords or banking information. This alarming increase shows how essential it is for users to be vigilant and take appropriate security measures.

Another form of attack that has seen a significant increase is ransomware. Ransomware is malware that blocks access to a company or user’s data until a ransom is paid. The study reveals a 148% increase in ransomware attacks in 2020, showing how common these attacks have become.

It is also worth noting that cybercriminals have taken advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to launch attacks. Phishing attempts using COVID-19 information have increased by 605% over the last year. Cybercriminals have exploited the fear and uncertainty surrounding the pandemic to trick users into obtaining their personal information.

To deal with this increase in cyberattacks, it is essential that businesses and users take appropriate security measures. This includes using strong passwords, regularly updating software, and being aware of phishing attacks. Businesses also need to invest in advanced security solutions to protect their data against ransomware and other forms of attacks.

In conclusion, this study highlights the significant increase in cyberattacks in 2020 and highlights the importance of online security. It is essential that businesses and users take appropriate security measures to protect themselves against these growing threats. Awareness, vigilance and the use of advanced security solutions are essential to confront these challenges.

google authenticator

Google Authenticator: solution in case of loss on

Google Authenticator: What to do if you lose your phone?

You probably use Google Authenticator to secure your online accounts by enabling two-factor authentication. However, sometimes we lose our phone and, with it, access to our Google Authenticator app. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to regain access to your accounts even if you’ve lost your phone.

Step 1: Use Google Authenticator Backup

If you’ve set up Google Authenticator correctly, you probably backed up your secret keys during initial setup. In this case, you just need to reinstall the app on your new phone and restore the secret keys using your backup. This will allow you to generate new authentication codes without any hassle.

Step 2: Contact Online Services Support

If you haven’t backed up your secret keys or are having trouble restoring them, the next step is to contact support for the online services you’re signed in to with Google Authenticator. They will usually be able to help you regain access to your account by using other authentication methods or resetting your account.

Step 3: Use alternative authentication methods

If you still can’t access your online accounts, even after contacting support, you can use alternative authentication methods. For example, many online services offer backup codes or email authentication methods for emergency situations. Check the recovery options available on the relevant online service websites.

Step 4: Prevention for the future

To avoid future problems if you lose your phone, we recommend taking preventive measures. First, back up your Google Authenticator secret keys in a safe place, such as a password manager. Next, enable Google Authenticator’s backup feature to make it easy to restore your secret keys to a new device.

In conclusion, losing access to Google Authenticator can be stressful, but there are solutions to regain access to your online accounts. By following the steps mentioned above and taking preventive measures in the future, you can continue to benefit from the secure two-factor authentication offered by Google Authenticator.

meltdown spectre

Meltdown and Specter Rifts: What you need to know (Waxoo)

Meltdown and Spectre: a major flaw to be aware of

In recent days, a new security vulnerability has appeared in the IT world, putting billions of processors manufactured by Intel, AMD and ARM at risk. This flaw, named Meltdown and Spectre, was revealed by computer security researchers and immediately caused serious concern within the technology community.

What is Meltdown and Specter?

Meltdown and Specter are two vulnerabilities that affect modern processors and allow hackers to access sensitive information stored in computer memory. These flaws mainly affect Intel processors, but also certain AMD and ARM processors.

Meltdown, the most serious flaw, allows an attacker to access a computer’s physical memory by bypassing the processor’s security mechanisms. This means that a hacker could potentially access sensitive data such as passwords, encryption keys or personal information.

As for Specter, it is a more complex flaw that exploits a processor optimization technique called “speculative execution.” By exploiting this feature, a hacker can trick a processor into disclosing confidential information stored in memory.

What are the consequences of these flaws?

The consequences of Meltdown and Specter are of considerable severity. By exploiting these vulnerabilities, hackers could not only access confidential data, but also take complete control of a computer system. This could lead to massive data thefts, malware attacks, or even sabotage of critical infrastructure.

Additionally, these computer vulnerabilities are extremely difficult to detect because they leave no trace in activity logs. This means that attacks based on Meltdown and Specter can go unnoticed for a long period of time, increasing the risks involved.

What actions are being taken to resolve these flaws?

Upon the discovery of Meltdown and Spectre, major players in the technology industry reacted quickly to mitigate risks and provide fixes. Processor manufacturers such as Intel, AMD and ARM work closely with software companies and cloud service providers to develop security updates.

The currently offered patches consist primarily of processor firmware updates, as well as operating system updates. Users and administrators are strongly recommended to update their systems as soon as patches become available.

However, these fixes may cause CPU performance to decrease, especially when it comes to compute-intensive tasks. Some experts estimate that this performance drop could be as much as 30%, which could be problematic for users who rely on high computing power.

How to protect yourself from these vulnerabilities?

To protect against Meltdown and Specter, it is essential to regularly update operating systems and firmware. Additionally, it is recommended to update all software installed on computers, including web browsers and antiviruses.

It is also advisable to avoid downloading or opening files from unknown sources, as these could contain malware exploiting these vulnerabilities.

Finally, it is important to stay informed with the latest news regarding Meltdown and Spectre, as new information and fixes might be released regularly.


Meltdown and Specter represent a major breach in computer security, putting billions of processors around the world at risk. The consequences of these flaws are serious and require rapid action from processor manufacturers, software publishers and users.

By regularly updating operating systems and software, and remaining vigilant for suspicious files, you can reduce the risks associated with Meltdown and Spectre. However, it is essential to stay informed and follow the recommendations of IT security experts for maximum protection.

FBI Reveals Explosive View of Open Source AI’s Devastating Impact on Hacking! You will not believe your eyes !

The impact of open source AI on hacking: the FBI’s point of view

Hackers are increasingly using artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance their criminal activities. According to the FBI, they notably exploit open source AI models to trap Internet users.

Use of AI by cybercriminals

Cybercriminals use chatbots based on language models such as ChatGPT, Google Bard or Claude to facilitate their malicious activities. They manage to bypass security measures thanks to their expertise in the field.

The FBI has warned of the massive use of language patterns by the criminal community. However, he noticed that the AI ​​models most popular with Internet users are not the favorites of hackers.

Open source models, a tool favored by hackers

Hackers prefer to use free, customizable open source AI models rather than those controlled by companies. These models, accessible to everyone on the internet, can easily be used to generate illicit content.

It is also interesting to note that criminals use custom AI models developed by other hackers. On the dark web, there are many chatbots designed to generate illegal content.

The different uses of AI by cybercriminals

Hackers use AI to design phishing pages that imitate the interface of official platforms. They also exploit the capabilities of generative AI to create polymorphic viruses.

Additionally, they use deepfake technology to extort money from their victims. They generate fake images and videos to harass their victims.

The future of AI and hacking

The FBI predicts an increase in the criminal use of AI as the technology becomes more widely available. It is therefore essential to develop prevention and protection strategies to counter the malicious use of AI by hackers.

It is imperative to ensure responsible and ethical use of AI, while securing open source AI models and strengthening security measures to prevent manipulation.

Source: PCMag

Explosion of cybercrime: artificial intelligence in danger! Discover the latest threats and alarming prospects

Cybercriminals and the exploitation of artificial intelligence

Cybercriminals are increasingly using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve their attacks and make them more credible and effective. This use of generative AI, popularized by ChatGPT, is spreading in the world of cybercrime. Now phishing, ransomware, scams and even presidential scams benefit from these new tools.

A democratization of AI among cybercriminals

The democratization of AI among cybercriminals makes them more efficient and credible. Jean-Jacques Latour, director of cybersecurity expertise at, emphasizes that the methods used by criminals remain the same, but the volume and strength of attacks are increasing considerably.

More sophisticated phishing attacks

Phishing, which comes in the form of emails promising free gifts or discounts, is becoming increasingly sophisticated. Scammers adapt their language to convince users to click on questionable links or sites, avoiding gross syntax or spelling errors.

Generative AI to create personalized malware

Generative AI can be hijacked to create custom malware, exploiting known vulnerabilities in computer programs. Programs such as ThreatGPT, WormGPT, and FraudGPT are growing on the Darknet and gaining popularity among malicious actors.

Mass exploitation of data by hackers

Hackers also use AI to sort and exploit large amounts of data once they have infiltrated a computer system. This allows them to maximize their profits by targeting the most relevant information.

The Presidential Scam and Deepfake Audio Generators

AI is also being used in the presidential scam, where hackers collect information on company executives to make fraudulent transfers. Thanks to “deepfake” audio generators, they can perfectly imitate the voices of managers and give transfer orders.

Ransomware and vishing

Ransomware already uses AI to modify its code and evade detection by security tools. Additionally, the technique of vishing, where a fake banker requests a money transfer, could also be improved using AI.

The use of synthetic content generated by AI

British police have previously reported cases where synthetic AI-generated content has been used to deceive, harass or extort victims. Although the first cases in France have not been officially recorded, doubts remain about the use of AI by criminals.

The “zero trust” rule in cybersecurity

Faced with these new threats, it is essential to apply the rule of “zero trust” in matters of cybersecurity and AI. We must not trust any a priori element and put in place adequate protection measures to counter these threats. The most active hackers are generally well-organized networks from Eastern Europe, but state hackers from fringe countries should not be overlooked.


AI-powered cybercrime poses a growing threat. Cybercriminals are increasingly using AI to improve their techniques and carry out more credible attacks. It is essential to remain vigilant and put appropriate protective measures in place to counter these threats.

Discover the Dark Web and immerse yourself in the incredible world of hackers and unbridled AI!

The fascinating world of hackers and unbridled artificial intelligence on the Dark Web

Hackers are increasingly exploiting generative artificial intelligence (AI) to carry out their criminal activities. A Kaspersky Dark Web investigation found that the use of AI, particularly generative AI tools, has become common and concerning.

Thousands of discussions on the use of AI for illegal purposes

Kaspersky Digital Footprint Intelligence, a Russian cybersecurity company, analyzed the Dark Web to identify discussions about the use of AI by hackers. Researchers found thousands of conversations discussing the use of AI for illegal and malicious purposes.

During the year 2023, no less than 3,000 discussions were recorded, with a peak in March. Although these discussions tend to diminish over the year, they remain present and active on the Dark Web.

AI at the service of cybercriminals

These discussions mainly revolve around malware development and illegal use of language models. Hackers are exploring avenues such as processing stolen data, analyzing files from infected devices, and many others.

These exchanges demonstrate the growing interest of hackers in AI and their desire to exploit its technical possibilities in order to carry out criminal activities more effectively.

Selling Stolen ChatGPT Accounts and Jailbreaks on the Dark Web

Besides discussions about the use of AI, the Dark Web is also a thriving market for the sale of stolen ChatGPT accounts. Kaspersky has identified more than 3,000 ads selling paid ChatGPT accounts.

Hackers also offer automatic registration services to massively create accounts on demand. These services are distributed over secure channels like Telegram.

Additionally, researchers have seen an increase in the sale of jailbroken chatbots such as WormGPT, FraudGPT, XXXGPT, WolfGPT, and EvilGPT. These malicious versions of ChatGPT are free from limitations, uncensored and loaded with additional features.

A growing threat to cybersecurity

The use of AI by hackers represents a growing threat to cybersecurity. Language models can be exploited maliciously, increasing the potential number of cyberattacks.

It is therefore essential to strengthen cybersecurity measures to counter these new forms of AI-based attacks. Experts must remain vigilant in the face of these constant developments and work to develop effective strategies to counter cybercriminals.