laspect humain

Explosion of AI in HR: Find out how it is revolutionizing the way we work!

AI and its challenges for human resources

Nowadays, with digital transformation and the massive adoption of new technologies in the world of work, artificial intelligence (AI) plays a key role in disrupting many business processes, including in the human resources (HR) sector ).

The impacts of AI on the labor market: opportunities and threats

AI has many impacts on the labor market, creating both opportunities and threats. According to some estimates, around 80% of current jobs could be threatened by advances in AI. However, the appearance of these new technologies also offers new opportunities, such as the creation of new professions and the development of employees’ digital skills.

Jobs redefined or threatened?

Advances in AI could redefine certain jobs or make them obsolete. This mainly concerns jobs related to data manipulation or repetitive activities. However, it is essential to emphasize that AI also offers opportunities for professional retraining and the promotion of internal and external mobility.

The importance of maintaining the human aspect in HR

Faced with the increasing integration of AI in the field of HR, it is essential to preserve the human aspect of this function. This involves promoting communication and human interaction within the company, favoring a personalized approach in employee support and career management, and implementing actions to anticipate changes and support restructuring. .

How to leverage AI in HR

To fully realize the benefits of AI without sacrificing the human aspect, HR professionals can consider several approaches. First of all, they must invest in training and developing the skills of employees in order to prepare them for the jobs of the future. Then, they must adopt an approach of continuous improvement and innovation, by regularly testing the effectiveness of the tools in place and by collaborating with other departments of the company.

In conclusion, AI represents a major challenge for human resources. Companies must anticipate these transformations and find a balance between technology and humanity in their approach to HR.

gestion evenements

Google SG&E: new projects for the video games division.

Google launches its new SGE application to facilitate event management

Google recently launched a new app called EMS (Event Management System) which promises to make event management easier for users.

A complete application for event management

SGE is a comprehensive application that offers a wide range of features for event management. Whether organizing a meeting, conference or social event, this app allows users to manage everything in one place.

An integrated calendar to plan events

One of the main features of SGE is its integrated calendar. Users can easily plan their events by creating appointments, adding specific dates and times, and even inviting attendees. The calendar also offers the ability to set reminders so you never miss an important event.

An intuitive and user-friendly interface

SGE stands out for its intuitive and friendly user interface. Users can easily navigate between the different features of the application thanks to a clear layout and intuitive icons. The app also offers an advanced search function, allowing users to quickly find the events they need.

Simplified collaboration thanks to the sharing function

SGE also facilitates collaboration by allowing users to easily share their events with others. Whether with work colleagues, friends or family members, users can share their events with just one click. This allows for better coordination and more effective communication when planning events.

An application available on all platforms

SGE is available on all platforms, whether on Android, iOS or on the web. Users can therefore access and manage their events from any device, anytime and anywhere.


By launching SGE, Google offers users a comprehensive and convenient solution for event management. With its advanced features, user-friendly interface and availability on all platforms, this application promises to optimize event planning and coordination. Whether for professionals or for personal use, SGE is the ideal tool for effective event management.

site web

GPT-4: Google location tracking without coding

GPT-4: A Google location tracker without any coding skills

Google is the most used search engine in the world, and for many businesses it is essential to track their positioning on this web giant. However, this can often be a challenge for those who don’t have extensive knowledge of coding and web development.

That’s where GPT-4 comes in, a revolutionary new tool that makes it easy and efficient to track your location on Google, without the need for coding skills.

What is GPT-4?

GPT-4 is software developed by a team of artificial intelligence researchers. It uses advanced algorithms to analyze Google search results and provide accurate information about a website’s ranking.

How does GPT-4 work?

GPT-4 uses machine learning techniques to understand and interpret Google search results. It analyzes the different variables that influence a website’s ranking, such as keywords, content relevance, and site popularity. Using this information, it is able to provide detailed reports on a website’s position in search results.

What are the benefits of GPT-4?

One of the main advantages of GPT-4 is its ease of use. Unlike other Google location tracking tools that require coding skills, GPT-4 is designed to be used by people without in-depth technical knowledge. Simply enter the address of the website you want to track and GPT-4 will do the rest.

Additionally, GPT-4 is extremely accurate. Thanks to its advanced algorithms, it is able to provide detailed and up-to-date information about a website’s position on Google. This allows users to make informed optimization and marketing decisions.

How to use GPT-4?

To use GPT-4, simply go to the dedicated website and create an account. Once logged in, you will be able to enter your website address and GPT-4 will begin tracking its location on Google. You can then view ranking reports and use this information to improve your online visibility.


GPT-4 is a revolutionary tool that makes location tracking on Google easier, even for people without coding skills. With its user-friendly interface and advanced algorithms, it offers an efficient and accurate solution to track and improve a website’s ranking on Google. Whether you are an entrepreneur or a marketer, GPT-4 can help you optimize your online presence.

democratie linformation

The opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence on humans: discover its astonishing impact!

Job creation rather than destruction?

The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on society is a crucial subject that generates lively debates. With the emergence of new technologies like ChatGPT, concerns about jobs, democracy and misinformation are increasingly present.

Potential for sustainable development

At the AI ​​for Good Summit in Geneva, the UN Secretary-General stressed that the benefits of AI must be shared with everyone, including those without access to the internet. This event aimed to explore how AI can contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and to find consensus on the standards to follow for its deployment.

Threatened professions: which professions are the most vulnerable?

Some professions are more exposed to AI automation than others. For example, ChatGPT is already used to automate various tasks in the field of marketing, writing real estate ads or even writing dissertations. Cybercriminals have also found applications for creating malware.

  • Most threatened professions:
  • Editors
  • Marketers
  • Real estate agents
  • Authors and publishers

The impact on democracy and information

AI is at the heart of media debates because of its potential impact on our democratic institutions. How will AI influence our democratic system? How to guarantee the reliability of information? These questions raise both concerns and questions.

Constant disinformation: a real danger?

It is essential to consider the growing influence of AI in our daily lives. The rise of fake news and disinformation represents a major challenge for preserving the authenticity and credibility of the information disseminated.

Possible solutions to AI challenges

To face the challenges linked to the development of AI, it is necessary to examine different solutions to ensure that this technology benefits everyone and does not lead to the disappearance of jobs and our democracy:

  • Education and training: Invest in lifelong learning to help workers adapt to technological changes.
  • Regulation: establish a clear regulatory framework regarding the deployment and use of AI to protect workers and citizens.
  • Digital inclusion: bridging the digital divide and providing everyone with access to the technologies and skills needed in the AI ​​era.
  • International cooperation: encourage constructive dialogue between governments, businesses, civil society and AI experts for a more responsible and inclusive future.

In conclusion, artificial intelligence represents a major technological advance whose impact on humanity will depend on our use and regulation. It is important to pay attention to threatened professions, to the preservation of our democracy and truthful information. However, this progress also offers immense opportunities to improve our world, provided we adopt a responsible and inclusive approach.

creer videos

Heygen versatile software: video creation |

Heygen: a versatile tool for creating videos

Heygen is a versatile software for creating videos. This revolutionary tool offers many features to help you bring your ideas to life and produce high-quality videos.

A user-friendly and intuitive interface

One of the main features of Heygen is its user-friendly and intuitive interface. Whether you are a beginner or a video professional, this tool is easy to use. You won’t need advanced technical knowledge to create stunning videos.

Powerful features

Heygen offers a wide range of powerful features to help you create unique and captivating videos. You can import images, videos and audio files into the software, and arrange them in the order you want. Heygen also offers a comprehensive library of transitions, filters and special effects to customize your videos to your preferences.

Creating animated videos

Heygen offers the ability to create animated videos with ease. You can add animations, texts and graphics to make your videos more dynamic and engaging. With Heygen, you can easily create promotional videos, professional presentations or animated tutorials.

Exporting and sharing

Once you’ve finished creating your video, Heygen allows you to export it in different formats, such as MP4, AVI, or MOV. You can also adjust the resolution and quality settings to get the best possible result. Heygen also makes it easy to share your videos on social networks, YouTube or websites.

Security and Privacy

Heygen attaches great importance to the security and confidentiality of your data. Your files and projects are saved locally on your computer, giving you complete control over your content. Heygen does not collect your personal data or share it with any third parties.

In conclusion, Heygen is a versatile video creation tool that offers a multitude of features for making professional videos. Whether you’re a content creator, marketer, or just a video enthusiast, Heygen is the perfect tool to bring your ideas to life and produce top-quality videos.

dun jeu

Create a video game with ChatGPT without programming

Creating a video game with ChatGPT without any programming knowledge


Nowadays, video games have become very popular interactive art forms. However, creating a video game can seem intimidating to those who have no programming experience. Fortunately, thanks to recent technological advances, it is now possible to create a video game without any programming knowledge, using the artificial intelligence-based language model called ChatGPT.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research company. It is trained to generate text that resembles human conversation. He can answer questions, give instructions and even tell stories. ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can be used to create interactive games without the need for programming skills.

The stages of creation

Creating a video game using ChatGPT without any programming knowledge can be divided into several steps:

1. Define the game concept: First of all, it is important to define the game concept, that is, the general idea of ​​what the game will be. It can be a game adventure, a puzzle or even a role-playing game. This step requires creativity and imagination.

2. Create a scenario: Once the game concept is defined, it is time to create a scenario. The storyline is the story of the game, which can include characters, locations, challenges, and objectives. This will allow ChatGPT to generate text based on player actions and choices.

3. Collect training data: ChatGPT needs training data to be able to generate text consistently. So it is necessary to collect sample dialogues that match the game storyline. These dialogues can be created by yourself or collected from existing sources.

4. Train the model: Once the training data is collected, it is time to train the ChatGPT model using this data. This can be done using tools available online, such as OpenAI’s “gpt-3.5-turbo” template.

5. Test and Iterate: Once the model is trained, it is important to test it by playing the game and checking if ChatGPT’s responses match expectations. If necessary, adjustments can be made to the scenario or training data to improve the game experience.

The Benefits of Using ChatGPT

Using ChatGPT to create a video game has several advantages:

– Accessibility: ChatGPT allows those who have no programming knowledge to create a video game. This makes game creation more accessible to more people.

– Flexibility: ChatGPT can generate text based on player actions and choices, making the game interactive and adaptable. Players can make different choices and get different responses from ChatGPT, giving them a unique gaming experience.

– Speed ​​of development: Creating a video game using ChatGPT is often faster than traditional game development. There is no need to code every aspect of the game, saving time and allowing you to focus on creating the storyline and dialogue.


Creating a video game without any programming knowledge is now possible thanks to tools based on artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT. By following the creation steps, it is possible to create an interactive and engaging game that offers a unique experience to players. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert in gaming, using ChatGPT can open up new possibilities for creation and innovation in gaming.

erreurs connexion

ChatGpt Network Error: Discover the foolproof tip to quickly resolve this problem!

Troubleshoot connection issues on ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI)-based tool developed by Open AI in 2022. It allows users to ask questions and get accurate answers. However, despite its impressive capabilities, it can sometimes experience connection issues. In this article, we will show you some solutions to resolve these problems.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a virtual assistant designed by Open AI. It uses AI to answer user questions and generate content, such as texts or translations. It is used by many professionals, especially writers, to generate topics, text plans and improve natural referencing. It is also used to produce code.

Problems encountered on ChatGPT

When using ChatGPT, you may receive an error message indicating a network error. This means that the chatbot is no longer able to interact with the user and answer their questions. This problem usually occurs when the expected response is long. It can also be caused by OpenAI server overload due to high user demand.

How to avoid connection errors on ChatGPT?

To avoid connection errors, it is advisable to ask the chatbot to provide responses in several fragments rather than all at once. This makes the system’s task easier and reduces the risk of errors. Additionally, when generating code, it is recommended to instruct the chatbot not to display comments and remove blank lines, which can also help avoid connection errors.

It is also important to have a good internet connection to avoid interruptions and connection errors. If you are still having problems, you can try restarting your system to refresh the network connection. Finally, it is essential to check the OpenAI network status and update the ChatGPT version regularly to avoid bugs and connection errors.

What you must remember

ChatGPT is a powerful AI-based tool that can greatly facilitate users’ tasks. However, it may sometimes experience connection issues. By following the tips mentioned in this article, you will be able to resolve these issues and take full advantage of the tool without encountering connection errors.

google bard

Google Bard: the future of chatbots is taking shape with this step forward

Google Bard: a step towards the future of chatbots

Google recently announced a major breakthrough in chatbots with the launch of Google Bard. This new technology promises to open up new possibilities in interactions between users and chatbots.

What is Google Bard?

Google Bard is an advanced chatbot developed by Google. It uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing to understand and respond to user queries more accurately and naturally than traditional chatbots.

Features of Google Bard

Google Bard stands out for several key features. First of all, it is able to understand the context of the conversation, which allows it to provide more relevant and tailored responses to each user. Additionally, it can learn autonomously from past interactions, allowing it to constantly improve its performance.

Another interesting aspect of Google Bard is its ability to generate original content. He can write answers and texts without duplicate content, using his knowledge and ability to analyze information available online.

Google Bard applications

Google Bard opens up many possibilities in different areas. For example, it could be used to improve user experience in online customer services. Users could interact with chatbots that are smarter and more natural, making it easier to solve their problems or find information.

In education, Google Bard could also be used to provide accurate and tailored answers to students’ questions. It could help with learning by providing personalized explanations and advice.

Finally, Google Bard could also be used in the area of ​​content creation. It could help writers by generating ideas and suggestions creatively, while ensuring that the generated content is original and quality.

The challenges to be met

Although Google Bard represents a significant advancement in the field of chatbots, there are still challenges ahead. For example, it needs further improvement to better understand the nuances of human language and to avoid potential bias in its responses. Moreover, it also raises ethical questions related to the use of chatbots in different fields.

In conclusion, Google Bard is a promising advancement in the field of chatbots. With its advanced features and potential applications, it could change the way users interact with chatbots. However, challenges remain before this technology is fully exploited.

uvres dart

The incredible artistic revolution caused by artificial intelligence: discover its fascinating impact!

Machine-generated artwork

Artificial intelligence (AI) has undergone remarkable evolution over the years, affecting different fields, including art. This new form of expression raises questions about creativity, authenticity and humanity. In this article, we will explore the influence of AI on art and its impact on the aesthetics of tomorrow.

Collaboration between artists and AI

AI is not only used to create works of art independently. It can also be a valuable tool for artists by helping them in their creative process. Composers can use algorithms to compose music based on their own ideas or to explore new musical styles. Likewise, painters and sculptors can rely on AI to determine the best colors, materials or techniques to use in their works.

The role of AI in art criticism

AI also offers interesting possibilities in the field of art criticism. Using algorithms, critics can quickly and accurately analyze artworks to better understand their value and impact. This could lead to a more objective evaluation of works and facilitate the discovery of promising young talents.

  • Trend Analysis: AI can help spot emerging trends in the art world and identify rising artists.
  • Authenticity of works: Algorithms can also be used to determine the authenticity of works of art by comparing them to the style, technique and composition of other works by the artist.
  • Price Valuation: Through data analysis, AI can provide a more accurate estimate of an artwork’s value to collectors and investors.

The impact of AI on the perception of art

The growing presence of AI in the arts raises philosophical questions about what truly constitutes a work of art and what distinguishes a human creation from a machine creation. How do we view the value of AI-generated art versus that created by a human being? Should we consider machines as real artists or simply as tools used by human artists?

As AI develops and becomes more integrated into the art world, the lines between human art and machine-created art could become even more blurred.

The need for an ethical debate

AI also raises a number of ethical issues, including the question of liability when AI-generated works infringe copyright or unintentionally reproduce existing works. Should this fault be attributed to the algorithm or its designer?

Ultimately, the impact of AI on art is inevitable and promising. Future developments in this area could enrich our understanding and appreciation of art, while making the work of artists easier. However, it is essential that those in the art world approach these questions carefully and encourage a dialogue about the ethical and philosophical implications related to the use of AI.

lintelligence artificielle

Artificial intelligence: how Google plans to conquer the consumer products market!

Google and its ambition in the field of artificial intelligence

Google, the technology giant, wants to position itself as an essential leader in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). For seven years, the company has carefully developed a strategy to demonstrate its AI skills. During his back-to-school conference, Rick Osterloh presented Google’s new product line and also discussed the company’s vision for the years to come.

The new Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro smartphones, the Pixel Watch 2 connected watch and the Pixel Buds Pro headphones are ultimately just examples of this philosophy: a future built around generative artificial intelligence, accessible through these consumer products.

The race between Amazon and Google for generative AI

Google was inspired by Amazon’s communication to present its new offer. The company wants to integrate generative AI into every aspect of our daily lives. Seven years ago, when the first Pixel smartphone was launched, Google had already proposed a first approach to its ambition.

During the conference, each new feature or feature presented emphasized artificial intelligence. According to Rick Osterloh, if Google’s AI improves, then its products will also improve. Thus, the Google Tensor G3 processor should soon make it possible to optimize the performance of smartphones.

The Pixel 8 Pro and its powerful AI

With the Pixel 8 Pro model and its onboard artificial intelligence using different language models, Google expects 150 times faster query processing and more precise detection. This technology could reduce our reliance on cloud services and remote servers for certain operations.

  • Intelligent photo editing: AI identifies flaws before you see them.
  • Call screening: AI acts like a virtual secretary to identify and block unwanted calls.
  • Voice assistant: AI will better understand your instructions, even in multiple languages ​​simultaneously.

Rick Osterloh’s stated objective is to offer the best possible assistant in the world of smartphones: knowledgeable, engaging and able to have Alexa-like conversations. Google Assistant with Bard, coming soon, will follow this approach.

Personalized AI using your data

Google strives to continually improve its artificial intelligence systems, gradually adding more personalized and contextual features. The devices will be able to better understand the user in order to provide them with specific information.

However, this deep personalization requires an important compromise: providing the AI ​​with your personal data and photos. Google emphasizes that, from a privacy perspective, everything should be handled on devices rather than in the cloud.

A risky bet for Google

Banking on artificial intelligence to conquer the consumer products market is a bold bet for Google. The success of this strategy will depend on their ability to convince consumers of the advantages offered by these technologies, while respecting their privacy.

In summary, if Google manages to revolutionize our daily lives thanks to the AI ​​embedded in its smartphones and other connected products, it could establish itself as the undisputed leader in this very competitive market. To be continued.