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Artificial intelligence is taking the job market by storm: discover its growing impact!

AI and the job market

Artificial intelligence (AI) has undergone significant evolution and popularization in recent years. This raises questions about its impact on the job market. According to a recent report, AI has already had a significant impact on job postings. AI-related roles are growing in number, whether in AI development with specialist engineers, or in positions where AI is seen as a required skill, such as product managers digital or cybersecurity consultants.

Growing interest from candidates

This study also reveals that more and more job seekers are attracted to these AI-related positions. Over the past two years, job postings explicitly mentioning AI have seen a 17% increase in applications. According to Erin Scruggs, vice president of global talent acquisition at LinkedIn, candidates are aware of the growing popularity of these new professions.

ChatGPT and American companies

Another report by ResumeBuilder reveals that 92% of business leaders in the United States are hiring candidates with experience with ChatGPT, an AI-based technology for automatic text generation. Additionally, 91% of these leaders are specifically looking for candidates with this experience. Some employers would even be willing to offer starting salaries exceeding $200,000 for engineers specializing in AI prompts.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence-based technology that enables automatic text generation. He can answer questions and help with various editorial tasks. Its growing use in businesses highlights the importance of AI-related skills in meeting the needs of the modern job market.

Preparing for the AI-driven job market

To remain competitive and adapt to this new professional reality, job seekers must develop their artificial intelligence skills. Here are some tips to prepare:

  • Take online courses to gain basic knowledge in AI, machine learning, programming and statistics.
  • Carry out internships or work on personal projects to gain practical experience in the field.
  • Develop transversal skills such as the ability to understand and analyze complex problems, work in a team and communicate effectively.
  • Stay informed of the latest technological advances and be curious about the opportunities they offer.

AI: an opportunity rather than a threat?

Despite fears of traditional job losses, it is important to emphasize that AI is also creating new professional opportunities. By developing the right skills, job seekers can take advantage of these new opportunities that are shaping the current and future job market.

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