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AI-generated mushroom picking books: life and death invade Amazon

AI-produced mushroom picking books are taking over Amazon

Amazon, the famous online sales platform, is being invaded by a surprising new trend: mushroom picking books generated by artificial intelligence (AI). These books, which claim to offer advice and knowledge on mushroom picking, have become extremely popular in recent months.

The rise of AI in publishing

AI technology has grown exponentially in recent years, and many fields have been impacted by this advancement, including publishing. AI-generated mushroom picking books are a prime example.

Using sophisticated algorithms, AI is able to create entire books on mushroom picking, using information available online. These books may contain detailed descriptions of different types of mushrooms, advice on picking and cooking, and information on potential dangers.

Books with an authentic appearance

What’s particularly amazing about these AI-generated books is that they have the look and structure of a real book written by an expert mushroom picker. They have a table of contents, thematic chapters and even images of mushrooms. To the untrained eye, it is difficult to distinguish these works from traditional books.

This authentic look, combined with detailed descriptions and helpful information, has contributed to the popularity of these books on Amazon. Many mushroom picking enthusiasts, both beginners and experienced, have purchased these books thinking they were written by true experts.

The controversy surrounding these AI-generated books

However, the existence of these AI-generated books raises questions and concerns. Some people wonder if these books can really provide reliable and accurate information about mushroom picking. Others worry that the books could encourage unsafe practices, pushing people to pick mushrooms without knowing the necessary precautions.

Additionally, some mushroom foraging experts believe that these AI-generated books devalue their expertise and work. They emphasize that the experience and knowledge acquired over the years cannot be reduced to a simple algorithm.

The responsibility of online sales platforms

Faced with these concerns, it is important to ask what responsibility online sales platforms, such as Amazon, have in the distribution of these AI-generated books. Should they put measures in place to guarantee the quality and accuracy of the works offered on their site? Or should they just let consumers make their own purchasing decision?

The answer to these questions remains debated. In the meantime, AI-generated mushroom foraging books continue to pop up on Amazon, sparking both interest and controversy among mushroom enthusiasts.

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