Yann Darwin is, above all, a real estate investor passionate about his profession.

In recent years, he has helped individuals get started in real estate investing, his motto: “be profitable now and not in 20 years”.

The number of people reading his blog is increasing, and many people are eager to learn more about the Academy. Let’s take a look at this investment expert’s territory.

Here is the summary of the article:


Its legitimacy is questionable on the internet, to be honest. Yann has already bought and resold dozens of properties, created an agency and built an incredible real estate portfolio before publishing his first training video on Youtube. This is very far from what we see on the Internet these days.

Yann has been teaching people since 2016 via his YouTube channel, which now has over 220,000 subscribers. He also shares his expertise in entrepreneurship and investment with 56,000 followers on Facebook and 80,400 Instagram followers, who have the opportunity to see him evolve on a daily basis in a more immersive way.

At the age of 16, he started investing. During his first stock market adventure, he was only 16 years old. Sure, there were some bad experiences along the way, but he believes it gave him a lot of knowledge and experience today. Which makes sense in light of everything we’ve seen so far.

He had a successful career as a firefighter in the public service, but his passion for investments won out. He understood that it was not necessary to be an expert or to possess exceptional talents to obtain convincing results in real estate. So he threw himself headlong into the experience.

Yann Offers lots of FREE CONTENT

We can say that we are served with Yann Darwin because there are so many of them!

There are 250 videos on his YouTube channel which reach an audience that is growing day by day. This number is approaching 6 million views. In addition, he also offers numerous lives on Facebook where he answers questions.

The Free Book!

He offered a digital book of around a hundred pages to more than 200,000 people. The content is relatively complete. Obviously, the goal is to entice readers to enroll in the Building and Growing a Real Estate Business course. That said, the book itself is full of useful newbie (for a beginner) material.


yann darwin download the free book


Free Real Estate Investment Training (6 hours of content)

Discovering the package allows you to get to know the ecosystem and a sample of the training. Some Internet marketers would have wanted us to provide our credit card information before offering this type of material, but here it’s easier since you only need to enter your email address and first name.

I’ve put the information below in case you want to access it quickly:

yann darwin greenbull access to free training



This real estate investment course is, without a doubt, the most comprehensive that exists on the Internet today.

Yann’s biggest strength is that he offers lifetime access and regularly updates the course. He has just added 15 videos on real estate brokers, and he is committed to adding new modules if necessary.

The aim of this training is to teach you how to become a real estate entrepreneur by providing you with all the information necessary for you to start, run and manage your own real estate business. It relies on more than 50 hours of video teaching + 10 hours of bonuses, as well as external links and resources that it adds throughout its courses, as the training progresses.

He discusses his many mistakes throughout his career, which he believes provide lessons learned. It’s always nicer than listening to a moderately experienced individual who only owns two or three houses touting a magic cure he hasn’t actually tried. And at least it has the advantage of being real.

After completing the course to start and grow a real estate business, you will be part of a private group on Facebook where you will be guided by 6 specialists in their fields (construction, asset management and optimization, for example) who are at the both complimentary and quick in their responses. The objective is simple: it is as if you could have your paper corrected before giving it to the examiner on the day of the exam. You can discuss your real estate project or your research, not only will investors in the community react and offer their contributions, but also coaches (and Yann of course) will have keys that will save you time and energy.

This is where Yann stands out the most from the competition. After purchasing training in France, no one goes that far in terms of support given. This is why this program is known as the standard in real estate investment training ecosystems.

It’s time for the big question… How much does it cost?

The cost of the training is €3,994 including tax, which is the only point on which we can consider a certain brake. Yes, I understand that it stings at first. However, as with everything else, a single price means nothing; It’s a bit like saying “it’s expensive” when you look at the price of a Ferrari. Certainly, but the services provided are much superior to those of a Clio… So why do we pay?

For those who wish, the link is below:

YANN DARWIN GREENBULL Create and develop a predominantly real estate business


The Greenbull Campus site, meanwhile, allows customers to pay in two, four or eight installments, resulting in a significantly cheaper investment.

Credit card or bank transfer are the most common payment methods. Training can be paid for in different ways, notably by the CPF, OPCO, FAF and Pôle Emploi (among others).

Yes, it’s about investing in yourself. I know stating this may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s the basis on which most beginning investors fail to avoid 80% of their blunders.


Module 1: The basics of real estate investment

Module 2: Implement your operational action plan

Module 3: Finding profitable investments

Module 4: Behave well during visits

Module 5: The basics of taxation and choice of legal arrangement

Module 6: Conducting negotiations

Module 7: Site management and supervision

Module 8: Financing your future acquisitions

Module 9: The administrative stage of the notary

Module 10: Operation and rental

Module 11: The specific case of furnished rental

Module 12: Setting up a predominantly real estate company

Module 13: Create a company group

Module 14: Finding profitable investments through auctions

Module 15: Finding and operating professional premises

Module 16: Create your goods merchant business

Module 17: Life annuity investments

Module 18: Resell your investments

Module 19: Advanced strategies and diversification

Module 20: Bonus: Productivity and case studies

Module 21: Bonus: Improving your relationship with money

Let’s be honest: learning how to invest takes a lot of time. However, I think we have all spent an average of 15 years in “school” and have not yet been able to invest properly to achieve true financial independence. So, a few hours of training (around 60 hours) of your life to buy your freedom is a small price to pay, in my opinion.


Dozens of Yann Darwin’s students have attested that they were able to improve their investments, whether it was finding the ideal property, negotiating, obtaining bank financing or taxes… Which seems to reinforce the price.

I don’t know if you’re like me, but I’m often wary of it because it’s frequently taken out of context and people almost never discuss the time/money ratio that led them to this conclusion.

Additionally, testimonials are unverifiable when it comes to internet business or personal development. Because they provide a single result, which may no longer be relevant by the time you hear it, they can be misleading. In real estate, it’s a little different. Because his property will not suddenly disappear, the words of a 25-year-old who bought 5 properties in three years (this is not the most brilliant example…) are relevant for a long time. Heritage is more credible when it is shared.

I chose 6 testimonials that inspired me so you can see the benefits you can get by making the right choices. You can launch the videos by clicking on the images.

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yann darwin greenbull investment in a furnished rental

Thanks to furnished rentals, you can expect better cash flow.

Make yourself an expert in furnished rentals! Discover, step by step, the many tax strategies.

You control all administrative activities and you are supported in each of them. Earn more money, faster by renting for longer… and reducing your taxes for several years!

What is the objective of the program?

Module 1: How to reduce (or cancel) your taxes • 1h

Module 2: The keys to investing in furnished accommodation • 1 hour

Module 3: Finding your property and preparing the ground • 1 hour

Module 4: Administrative procedures without the hassle • 1 hour

Module 5: In the field: rent, manage, avoid pitfalls • 2h

Module 6: Even more profitability • 2h

A high level of training.

From finding accommodation to administrative procedures, including rental and accounting, everything happens here.

All case types are available.

Let’s take a look at the best strategies for managing your tax situation. By implementing these ideas into your business, you can improve its efficiency and ensure that it continues to operate successfully in the future.


Training to help you take action:

All demonstrations are recorded, and you can watch them at your leisure before going back and repeating them.

You must complete 8 hours of training to become an expert in furnished rentals.

Here you will find all the documents you need to upload. This page also contains useful links and examples you can use.

You can listen and replay all training courses anywhere, anytime. You will have lifetime access to the private customer area where you will find all the courses and resources.




It is well known that the cost of ignorance is much higher than the cost of training. I completely agree.

However, you must remain cautious at all times. You should not be suspicious or paranoid; rather, you need to be vigilant about the facts and the truth of any claims made by the person who previously sold you something.

From this point of view, I believe we can be sure that Yann is a leader in his field. He is also the co-founder of the Greenbull Group (the parent company of the Academy), a company with nine subsidiaries in the fields of insurance, finance, education and real estate investments. Today, the company employs more than 100 people and its value is estimated at almost 80 million euros. We are far ahead of most other online marketing experts (real or self-proclaimed) in terms of knowledge and experience.

My final thoughts on the subject: If you really want to dedicate your time and energy to succeeding in real estate, the Academy is hands down the best approach today. But, of course, if you just want to buy a primary residence and don’t need your ground rent to increase every year, it may not be worth the investment.

Whether you are buying a home for the first time or your current home is about to be sold, I think the very first thing you should do before anything else is download the Real Estate Discovery Pack so to be able to test the training and get an idea of ​​what it involves.

If you want to make a rental investment with a decent return while ensuring your income and creating cash flow, this strategy is for you.

To finance notary fees, for example, invest to acquire and sell or negotiate your loan.

Whether it is bare or furnished rental, long or short term, and whether it is better to invest wisely by informing yourself so as not to lose money, it is something that cannot only be determined after doing some research.

Stone has definitely become a safe haven, and investing in real estate is undoubtedly one of the most powerful and reasonable methods of creating money.

Investing in a lucrative strategy cannot be improvised, and you must start by investing in yourself, then take action!

Good luck on your journey, investor!