lintelligence artificielle

Discover Lucrative Salaries for AI Professionals in the Entertainment Industry – Most In-Demand Roles Revealed!

Integrating AI into the Product Manager Role at Netflix

Amid a writers’ strike, Netflix is ​​creating a new product manager position that involves the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in various aspects of its operations. This position aims to integrate AI into content acquisition and personalization of recommendations for users. The strike was called by artists and performers who are demanding higher remuneration from streaming platforms and stricter regulation of the use of AI in the writing process.

The challenges posed by AI for players in the sector

Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, national executive director and lead negotiator for actors union SAG-AFTRA, sees the rise of AI as a threat to actors’ livelihoods. The strikers are calling for regulations aimed at limiting the use of AI in content creation, considering it as a simple complementary tool rather than a total replacement for screenwriters.

A senior executive at HBO, Casey Bloys, also opposes the integration of AI into the development or creative process of series produced by the channel. However, experience in the field of AI has become highly sought after across different industries.

Attractive salaries for AI specialists

Many companies now offer six-figure base salaries for AI-related positions. A survey conducted by ResumeBuilder reveals that 91% of hiring business leaders are looking for candidates with ChatGPT experience:

  • 25% of employers report that the starting salary for master content creator engineers exceeds $200,000;
  • 17% say it exceeds $300,000.

Online training to meet demand

Stacie Haller, Career Manager at ResumeBuilder, mentions that many online tutorials are now available to help individuals develop their ChatGPT skills. These training courses allow those who wish to join this booming sector to acquire the necessary knowledge.

The debate around AI: threat or opportunity?

While some industry professionals see artificial intelligence as a potential threat to the work of actors and writers, it is clear that it also creates new opportunities for product managers and engineers specializing in this field.

It is therefore essential to establish adequate regulation that will allow optimal use of AI while preserving the creativity and work of artists. Current debates around this technology highlight the challenges the entertainment industry faces in the digital age.

The future

With the continued development of AI in the coming years, many questions will arise regarding its integration into traditional industries such as entertainment. In the short term, it will be crucial to find a balance between the use of artificial intelligence as an innovative tool and best practices to preserve the employment of writers and actors, which constitutes a major challenge for companies like Netflix or HBO.

marche travail

Artificial intelligence is taking the job market by storm: discover its growing impact!

AI and the job market

Artificial intelligence (AI) has undergone significant evolution and popularization in recent years. This raises questions about its impact on the job market. According to a recent report, AI has already had a significant impact on job postings. AI-related roles are growing in number, whether in AI development with specialist engineers, or in positions where AI is seen as a required skill, such as product managers digital or cybersecurity consultants.

Growing interest from candidates

This study also reveals that more and more job seekers are attracted to these AI-related positions. Over the past two years, job postings explicitly mentioning AI have seen a 17% increase in applications. According to Erin Scruggs, vice president of global talent acquisition at LinkedIn, candidates are aware of the growing popularity of these new professions.

ChatGPT and American companies

Another report by ResumeBuilder reveals that 92% of business leaders in the United States are hiring candidates with experience with ChatGPT, an AI-based technology for automatic text generation. Additionally, 91% of these leaders are specifically looking for candidates with this experience. Some employers would even be willing to offer starting salaries exceeding $200,000 for engineers specializing in AI prompts.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence-based technology that enables automatic text generation. He can answer questions and help with various editorial tasks. Its growing use in businesses highlights the importance of AI-related skills in meeting the needs of the modern job market.

Preparing for the AI-driven job market

To remain competitive and adapt to this new professional reality, job seekers must develop their artificial intelligence skills. Here are some tips to prepare:

  • Take online courses to gain basic knowledge in AI, machine learning, programming and statistics.
  • Carry out internships or work on personal projects to gain practical experience in the field.
  • Develop transversal skills such as the ability to understand and analyze complex problems, work in a team and communicate effectively.
  • Stay informed of the latest technological advances and be curious about the opportunities they offer.

AI: an opportunity rather than a threat?

Despite fears of traditional job losses, it is important to emphasize that AI is also creating new professional opportunities. By developing the right skills, job seekers can take advantage of these new opportunities that are shaping the current and future job market.

lintelligence artificielle

Jobs threatened by artificial intelligence: discover the shocking impact on our society!

Impact of artificial intelligence on our society

The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on our society arouses both passion and concern. Recent technological advances and the numerous applications of AI raise major questions regarding our way of life, employment and the role of humans in this new era.

Automation, employment and AI

Courbevoie-based Onclusive recently announced plans to replace 217 of its employees with artificial intelligence by June 2024. The move will result in the closure of three services and shows that AI-related job cuts are very real.

Which professions are threatened?

The professions likely to be affected by automation are not limited to low-skilled or manual positions. More specialized professions, such as those in the banking sector, consultancy, communications or even health, could also be impacted. According to Goldman Sachs, up to 300 million workers could be threatened by AI in the coming years.

However, cautious optimism is in order

Although the disruption caused by AI is undeniable, it is worth remembering that technological innovations have always brought new opportunities. Thousands of jobs could be created in research, development, marketing and machine maintenance, among others.

The place of humans in the face of AI

The advent of AI also raises questions about our place as individuals in this new reality.

  • Ethics and regulation: It is essential to establish a framework to ensure the ethical and responsible use of AI. Governments must define standards and regulations to avoid abuses and respect the fundamental rights of individuals.
  • Privacy and personal data: The generalization of AI leads to an increase in sensors and connected objects that collect our personal information. It is crucial to put in place protection and control mechanisms over the use of this data.
  • Human relations : Increasing interaction with digital agents could change the way we communicate and cooperate within society. It will be important to preserve our humanity and our social values ​​in the face of the omnipresence of AI.

Education and training for AI challenges

To take advantage of advances in AI while limiting its negative consequences, a focus on training and education is essential. Skills in digital literacy, data analysis and programming will be increasingly important.

Adaptation of school programs

School programs must adapt to integrate these new skills from an early age. It is essential to make students aware of the potential and risks linked to AI, but also to give them the tools necessary to understand and master this new technological environment.

Continuing training and professional retraining

Training should not end with obtaining a diploma. A culture of lifelong learning will be essential so that everyone can adapt to changes in the job market and the new challenges posed by AI.

In conclusion, artificial intelligence will transform our society in a profound and lasting way. It is essential to prepare for this by adopting a responsible and ethical approach to its use, as well as investing in lifelong education and training.

salaire moyen

Explosion of teleworking IT professions in the United States in 2023: Discover the five most sought after!

The most sought-after IT professions

The information technology (IT) sector is evolving rapidly and offers many career opportunities, particularly in the context of teleworking. In 2023, certain professions particularly stand out. Here is an overview of the five most sought-after IT professions in the United States, a trend that is also found in France.

1. Software developers

Software developers are in high demand, with 10,561 job openings posted in September alone. On average, they can earn an annual salary of $117,298.

These professionals are responsible for the design, development, installation, testing and maintenance of software systems. Their expertise covers programming, application design, websites or mobile applications.

2. IT Project Managers or Data Analysts

Positions for IT project managers or data analysts are also very popular, with 5,983 job offers in September. The average salary for these professions is $99,330 annually.

Managers oversee the planning, execution and delegation of responsibilities related to all IT projects. They collaborate closely with various areas of IT. Data analysts, on the other hand, leverage technology to extract meaningful insights from large data sets.

3. Data Scientists

Data scientists are at the heart of digital transformation. As of September, there were 2,928 job vacancies in this field, with an average salary of $124,515.

Experts in analysis, they use statistics, mathematics and computer programming to process and interpret large volumes of data to provide valuable insights.

4. Systems Analysts

Systems analysts play a key role in solving business problems by analyzing their computer systems. As of September, there were 2,600 job openings in this field, with an average salary of $83,387.

They conduct in-depth investigations of problems and issues, create and maintain systems documentation, and audit and test programs and databases.

5. IT Support Specialists

IT support specialists are essential for customer service-oriented businesses. As of September, there were 2,529 positions available in this field, with an average salary of $54,777.

With technical and interpersonal skills, they interact directly with customers to meet their IT needs, contributing to a satisfactory customer experience.