lintelligence artificielle

Jobs threatened by artificial intelligence: discover the shocking impact on our society!

Impact of artificial intelligence on our society

The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on our society arouses both passion and concern. Recent technological advances and the numerous applications of AI raise major questions regarding our way of life, employment and the role of humans in this new era.

Automation, employment and AI

Courbevoie-based Onclusive recently announced plans to replace 217 of its employees with artificial intelligence by June 2024. The move will result in the closure of three services and shows that AI-related job cuts are very real.

Which professions are threatened?

The professions likely to be affected by automation are not limited to low-skilled or manual positions. More specialized professions, such as those in the banking sector, consultancy, communications or even health, could also be impacted. According to Goldman Sachs, up to 300 million workers could be threatened by AI in the coming years.

However, cautious optimism is in order

Although the disruption caused by AI is undeniable, it is worth remembering that technological innovations have always brought new opportunities. Thousands of jobs could be created in research, development, marketing and machine maintenance, among others.

The place of humans in the face of AI

The advent of AI also raises questions about our place as individuals in this new reality.

  • Ethics and regulation: It is essential to establish a framework to ensure the ethical and responsible use of AI. Governments must define standards and regulations to avoid abuses and respect the fundamental rights of individuals.
  • Privacy and personal data: The generalization of AI leads to an increase in sensors and connected objects that collect our personal information. It is crucial to put in place protection and control mechanisms over the use of this data.
  • Human relations : Increasing interaction with digital agents could change the way we communicate and cooperate within society. It will be important to preserve our humanity and our social values ​​in the face of the omnipresence of AI.

Education and training for AI challenges

To take advantage of advances in AI while limiting its negative consequences, a focus on training and education is essential. Skills in digital literacy, data analysis and programming will be increasingly important.

Adaptation of school programs

School programs must adapt to integrate these new skills from an early age. It is essential to make students aware of the potential and risks linked to AI, but also to give them the tools necessary to understand and master this new technological environment.

Continuing training and professional retraining

Training should not end with obtaining a diploma. A culture of lifelong learning will be essential so that everyone can adapt to changes in the job market and the new challenges posed by AI.

In conclusion, artificial intelligence will transform our society in a profound and lasting way. It is essential to prepare for this by adopting a responsible and ethical approach to its use, as well as investing in lifelong education and training.

lintelligence artificielle

The opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence for businesses: a revolutionary impact!

The impact of artificial intelligence on French companies

In a context of digitalization and increasing automation, artificial intelligence (AI) plays an increasingly important role in the development and growth of businesses. Its use is not limited to technological sectors, it is now present in many fields of activity. However, while some see this development as a beneficial revolution, others fear the massive job losses it could cause. This article explores the different aspects of the impact of AI on French companies.

AI to optimize and innovate business processes

Artificial intelligence offers many benefits to businesses, such as speeding up processes, simplifying the management of complex data, and increasing profitability. Here are some examples of AI applications:

  • Analysis of large and complex data: This helps to better understand customer needs and improve logistics.
  • Predictive maintenance: AI can anticipate hardware failures and reduce the risk of downtime.
  • Natural language processing: AI facilitates communication with users, particularly through chatbots.
  • Facial recognition: this application is particularly useful in the field of security.

Successful AI integration allows businesses to stand out, optimize their resources and even create new business opportunities. However, leaders must remain vigilant when implementing this technology. In particular, they must ensure that they train their staff, guarantee the ethics of the use of data and anticipate the risks linked to the deployment of these tools.

AI, a source of concern for the job market?

While artificial intelligence brings real benefits to businesses, its impact on employment raises serious concerns. For example, more than 200 workers at the Onclusive company in Courbevoie recently lost their jobs following the integration of AI solutions. Alarming predictions even suggest the loss of 300 million jobs worldwide.

However, it is important to emphasize that for every job eliminated by automation, new opportunities can emerge:

  • Creation of new AI-related professions, such as AI developer, machine learning specialist or data analyst.
  • Transformation of existing jobs, with employees retraining within their company to take on new responsibilities involving the use of digital tools and AI.

It is therefore essential that workers in affected sectors are trained and prepared for these AI-related changes, in order to turn this threat into an opportunity.

The role of businesses in the transition to artificial intelligence

To fully exploit the potential of AI while anticipating its consequences on the labor market, companies must adopt a proactive approach:

  • Invest in the training of their employees to adapt skills to new market requirements and ensure a smooth and fair transition for all.
  • Establish a dialogue with social partners in order to better anticipate the needs, expectations and fears linked to technological developments.
  • Promote humans at the heart of processes by seeking to exploit synergies between AI and employees, rather than pitting these two parties against each other in a binary logic.

Artificial intelligence is a major issue for businesses today and requires collective awareness of its potential impact on the economy and society.

In conclusion, although artificial intelligence offers many opportunities to French companies, it also raises legitimate questions about its impact on employment. To take positive advantage of it, it is up to managers to fully engage in this revolution, while adopting a responsible and inclusive approach that aims to prevent risks, protect employees and promote the complementary role of AI and human labor.

lintelligence artificielle

Revolution in progress: Discover the incredible impact of artificial intelligence on accounting!

The artificial intelligence revolution in the world of accounting

The world of work is changing with the emergence of new technologies, notably artificial intelligence (AI). The latter finds more and more applications in different sectors, such as journalism and especially accounting. What are the changes brought about by the adoption of AI in this area? Let’s take stock of the notable innovations.

Ever more efficient tools for accounting professionals

The development of solutions like Dext is representative of this technological evolution. Dext is a company offering a real-time accounting solution used by more than 1,800 accounting firms in France and more than 200,000 client companies. The digital transformation is underway! Here are some examples of tools and features enabled by AI:

  • ChatGPT: this tool developed by OpenAI allows you to generate reports, articles and analyzes by interpreting natural language.
  • Code Interpreter: this feature, already introduced in ChatGPT, offers the possibility of importing standardized data files to carry out in-depth analyses, search for correlations or even create graphs.
  • Electronic invoicing: thanks to digitalization, it is now possible to automate invoicing processes, gaining speed and traceability.

The evolution of the accountant’s missions

These technological advances have consequences on the accounting profession, which is diversifying. Indeed, accounting is no longer just about the simple preparation of financial statements. Accountants and their colleagues are required to:

  • Become true strategic advisors for businesses, by offering complex and personalized data analyses.
  • Improve the customer experience through the development of innovative digital tools adapted to the specific needs of customers.
  • Implement talent retention solutions, in particular by developing internal skills in data management and analysis.

What are the challenges for the labor market?

The rapid integration of artificial intelligence in different sectors raises questions about the future of certain professions. Will we see a massive replacement of humans by machines? At the moment, this is not the case in the accounting field. However, it is crucial that professionals take into account the ongoing transformations and train to keep their skills up to date.

The ethical dilemmas of artificial intelligence

The growing use of these tools also raises ethical questions, particularly with regard to respect for confidentiality. Accounting industry players should work closely with AI solution providers to address concerns related to:

  • Protection of personal data: it is essential to guarantee the security of sensitive information entrusted by customers and not to expose them to unnecessary risks.
  • Fairness and transparency: AI algorithms must be designed to limit bias and promote respect for the fundamental principles of the accounting profession.

In conclusion, artificial intelligence offers tremendous development opportunities for accounting, whether in terms of tools or the missions of professionals in the sector. However, this transformation is accompanied by important challenges that must be addressed with rigor and anticipation.

monde travail

Artificial intelligence: the burning debate on its revolutionary impact on work!

Revolutions in different fields thanks to AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is developing rapidly and raising questions about its impact on the world of work. Interestingly, AI is already present in various industries such as online casinos, fraud detection and the film industry.

  • Online Casinos : AI has revolutionized the way online gaming platforms work by improving user experience through personalized recommendations and fraud detection.
  • Fraud detection : The use of AI makes it possible to spot and anticipate financial fraud attempts, thus offering more effective protection to companies and their customers.
  • Film Industry : AI threatens Hollywood actors’ jobs as it could be used to create digital stunt doubles.

The rise of AI in these different fields raises questions about its impact on employment. What will be the place of humans in the face of this technological advance?

Unemployment in the face of AI, a legitimate fear?

It is important to take into account the job losses already suffered due to the development of AI. For example, French company Onclusive reduced its staff by 217 workers in favor of technology.

However, some researchers and experts remain optimistic that AI will also have a positive impact on the world of work. The main question is to balance the benefits of AI with preserving existing jobs.

Continuous learning and professional training

To face the threats to employment caused by AI, it is necessary to develop continuing training adapted to these changes. This will allow workers to keep their professional skills up to date.

Indeed, with the evolution of new technologies, many professions are likely to transform or disappear. It is therefore essential to adapt to these changes and train regularly to meet the demands of the constantly evolving job market.

AI, complementarity rather than competition

Beyond the fear of unemployment, AI can also be seen as a real collaborator for employees. By carrying out certain repetitive tasks, AI frees up workers’ time to concentrate on more complex and high value-added missions.

In this way, AI can become an ally rather than a competitor, helping employees improve their productivity and efficiency to achieve their professional goals.

Towards a framed and controlled future

Mastery of technologies by governments and economic players is a major challenge in preserving employment in the face of AI. As Bruno Le Maire, French Minister of the Economy, pointed out during an interministerial committee dedicated to AI: “We must master artificial intelligence technologies to avoid being subjected to the standards of other powers” .

It is therefore essential to regulate the development of AI so that it respects social rights, the labor market and existing ethical standards.

The impact of AI on work will continue to generate debate, but it is essential to consider today the best way to coexist with these new technologies in order to preserve the human aspect of the future world of work.

laspect humain

Explosion of AI in HR: Find out how it is revolutionizing the way we work!

AI and its challenges for human resources

Nowadays, with digital transformation and the massive adoption of new technologies in the world of work, artificial intelligence (AI) plays a key role in disrupting many business processes, including in the human resources (HR) sector ).

The impacts of AI on the labor market: opportunities and threats

AI has many impacts on the labor market, creating both opportunities and threats. According to some estimates, around 80% of current jobs could be threatened by advances in AI. However, the appearance of these new technologies also offers new opportunities, such as the creation of new professions and the development of employees’ digital skills.

Jobs redefined or threatened?

Advances in AI could redefine certain jobs or make them obsolete. This mainly concerns jobs related to data manipulation or repetitive activities. However, it is essential to emphasize that AI also offers opportunities for professional retraining and the promotion of internal and external mobility.

The importance of maintaining the human aspect in HR

Faced with the increasing integration of AI in the field of HR, it is essential to preserve the human aspect of this function. This involves promoting communication and human interaction within the company, favoring a personalized approach in employee support and career management, and implementing actions to anticipate changes and support restructuring. .

How to leverage AI in HR

To fully realize the benefits of AI without sacrificing the human aspect, HR professionals can consider several approaches. First of all, they must invest in training and developing the skills of employees in order to prepare them for the jobs of the future. Then, they must adopt an approach of continuous improvement and innovation, by regularly testing the effectiveness of the tools in place and by collaborating with other departments of the company.

In conclusion, AI represents a major challenge for human resources. Companies must anticipate these transformations and find a balance between technology and humanity in their approach to HR.

uvres dart

The incredible artistic revolution caused by artificial intelligence: discover its fascinating impact!

Machine-generated artwork

Artificial intelligence (AI) has undergone remarkable evolution over the years, affecting different fields, including art. This new form of expression raises questions about creativity, authenticity and humanity. In this article, we will explore the influence of AI on art and its impact on the aesthetics of tomorrow.

Collaboration between artists and AI

AI is not only used to create works of art independently. It can also be a valuable tool for artists by helping them in their creative process. Composers can use algorithms to compose music based on their own ideas or to explore new musical styles. Likewise, painters and sculptors can rely on AI to determine the best colors, materials or techniques to use in their works.

The role of AI in art criticism

AI also offers interesting possibilities in the field of art criticism. Using algorithms, critics can quickly and accurately analyze artworks to better understand their value and impact. This could lead to a more objective evaluation of works and facilitate the discovery of promising young talents.

  • Trend Analysis: AI can help spot emerging trends in the art world and identify rising artists.
  • Authenticity of works: Algorithms can also be used to determine the authenticity of works of art by comparing them to the style, technique and composition of other works by the artist.
  • Price Valuation: Through data analysis, AI can provide a more accurate estimate of an artwork’s value to collectors and investors.

The impact of AI on the perception of art

The growing presence of AI in the arts raises philosophical questions about what truly constitutes a work of art and what distinguishes a human creation from a machine creation. How do we view the value of AI-generated art versus that created by a human being? Should we consider machines as real artists or simply as tools used by human artists?

As AI develops and becomes more integrated into the art world, the lines between human art and machine-created art could become even more blurred.

The need for an ethical debate

AI also raises a number of ethical issues, including the question of liability when AI-generated works infringe copyright or unintentionally reproduce existing works. Should this fault be attributed to the algorithm or its designer?

Ultimately, the impact of AI on art is inevitable and promising. Future developments in this area could enrich our understanding and appreciation of art, while making the work of artists easier. However, it is essential that those in the art world approach these questions carefully and encourage a dialogue about the ethical and philosophical implications related to the use of AI.

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10 Fascinating Applications to Explore with the New GPT-Vision: Discover the Revolutionary Launch!

The Merger of Natural Language Processing Technology and Computer Vision

The joint launch of ChatGPT and GPT-Vision marks a major breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence. This fusion of natural language processing technology and computer vision opens new perspectives and offers varied and profound applications. Discover how these technologies are transforming the way we interact with visual and textual data.

Exploring Applications

The synergy between ChatGPT and GPT-Vision unlocks new features. Here are some captivating examples that illustrate the diversity of possible applications.

  • Modeling from an image

A simple image can be transformed into an impressive 3D model using these technologies, as shown in this example:

  • Personalized strength training program according to your equipment

Thanks to ChatGPT Vision, it is possible to obtain a tailor-made strength training program based on your available equipment, as shown in this example:

You can also find other program ideas here:

  • Analysis and decoding of blurred documents

Thanks to ChatGPT-4V Multimodal, it is possible to reveal the secrets of a blurred document through in-depth analysis, as shown in this example:

  • Converting photos to text for a complex letter

These technologies make it possible to transform an image of a letter into editable text, as shown in this example:

  • Retrieving complex objects in an image

The technology makes it possible to identify and recover complex objects in an image, as shown in this example:

  • Detection of images from Google Street View or satellites

Thanks to ChatGPT Vision, it is possible to precisely detect images from Google Street View or satellites, as shown in this example:

  • Detailed analysis of an x-ray

Thanks to ChatGPT, it is possible to quickly and accurately analyze an x-ray, as shown in this example:

  • Complex image analysis

Dive into analyzing a highly complex image using these technologies, as shown in this example:

  • Creation of scenarios from the analysis of several images

Using these technologies, four separate images can be transformed into a coherent storyline, as shown in this example:

  • Analysis of a car engine

Thanks to ChatGPT, it is possible to thoroughly analyze a car engine. However, it is recommended to consult a professional for any repair:

  • Code optimization

ChatGPT can also be used to optimize code, offering suggestions for improving performance, efficiency and compliance with best practices, as shown in this example:

Notable Limitations

Despite the progress made, certain limitations must be taken into account. It is important to note that reading QR Codes and sharing conversations currently remains impossible with these technologies.

If you don’t see new features, you may need to refresh the page or log out/log back in. If the problem persists, you can try clearing the cache related to

Here is a screenshot showing one of the user interfaces for these new features:

gtp 4 vision app

GPT-Vision video

I would like to credit Emile Dev’s YouTube channel (follow to stay informed on artificial intelligence news) which inspired this article. Here is the presentation video:

secteur bancaire

Banking revolution: artificial intelligence is changing everything! Discover its crucial impact on banks

Potentials offered by AI in the banking sector

The banking sector, although traditional, has been impacted by the digital revolution and the development of artificial intelligence (AI). These technological advances have brought many potentials and have modified the functioning and organization of banks.

AI has opened up new opportunities for banks, improving the quality of services, reducing operating costs and promoting innovation in financial products. Several examples illustrate these potentials:

  • Process automation allows certain time-consuming tasks to be completed automatically, improving productivity and reducing human errors.
  • AI facilitates the rapid and accurate analysis of large amounts of data, making it easier to make decisions and spot potential trends or problems.
  • Chatbots and other AI tools provide personalized customer service, instantly responding to customer inquiries and providing an optimized user experience.
  • AI also helps detect fraud by identifying anomalies and suspicious transactions, allowing rapid action in the event of fraud or scam.

Adaptation of large banking groups to AI

Faced with these technological innovations, the major European banks had to adapt quickly. Some have chosen to collaborate with start-ups specializing in cutting-edge technologies, in order to quickly develop their digital offering and offer innovative solutions to their customers.

In addition, banks invest massively in training their employees in order to raise their awareness of new technologies and prepare them for digital careers.

Example: Morgan Stanley and the ChatGPT chatbot

A concrete example of this rapid adaptation is the American bank Morgan Stanley. It plans to soon launch a generative AI bot, developed in collaboration with the creators of ChatGPT, OpenAI. This chatbot will be used by the bank’s financial advisors to quickly find information and facilitate interactions with customers.

Issues and challenges posed by AI in the banking sector

Technological developments linked to AI also raise important questions and challenges:

  • Protecting financial data is essential. It is therefore essential to supervise the use of AI in order to guarantee compliance with current regulations and preserve user confidence.
  • Ethics is a major issue, because AI algorithms can reproduce or amplify certain biases. It is therefore necessary to ensure their design and implementation so that they are transparent and equitable.
  • The automation of certain tasks can lead to job losses and disrupt traditional professions in the banking sector. It is important to support employees to anticipate these professional changes.
  • It is also necessary to define a clear legal framework to determine responsibilities in the event of errors or malfunctions linked to decisions taken by automated systems.

In conclusion, the impact of AI on banks is undeniable. This technological revolution offers many benefits to improve banking services, but also raises ethical, data protection and employment questions. It is up to players in the financial sector to meet these challenges in order to take full advantage of AI, while respecting the values ​​and principles that underpin their profession.

Discover the Dark Web and immerse yourself in the incredible world of hackers and unbridled AI!

The fascinating world of hackers and unbridled artificial intelligence on the Dark Web

Hackers are increasingly exploiting generative artificial intelligence (AI) to carry out their criminal activities. A Kaspersky Dark Web investigation found that the use of AI, particularly generative AI tools, has become common and concerning.

Thousands of discussions on the use of AI for illegal purposes

Kaspersky Digital Footprint Intelligence, a Russian cybersecurity company, analyzed the Dark Web to identify discussions about the use of AI by hackers. Researchers found thousands of conversations discussing the use of AI for illegal and malicious purposes.

During the year 2023, no less than 3,000 discussions were recorded, with a peak in March. Although these discussions tend to diminish over the year, they remain present and active on the Dark Web.

AI at the service of cybercriminals

These discussions mainly revolve around malware development and illegal use of language models. Hackers are exploring avenues such as processing stolen data, analyzing files from infected devices, and many others.

These exchanges demonstrate the growing interest of hackers in AI and their desire to exploit its technical possibilities in order to carry out criminal activities more effectively.

Selling Stolen ChatGPT Accounts and Jailbreaks on the Dark Web

Besides discussions about the use of AI, the Dark Web is also a thriving market for the sale of stolen ChatGPT accounts. Kaspersky has identified more than 3,000 ads selling paid ChatGPT accounts.

Hackers also offer automatic registration services to massively create accounts on demand. These services are distributed over secure channels like Telegram.

Additionally, researchers have seen an increase in the sale of jailbroken chatbots such as WormGPT, FraudGPT, XXXGPT, WolfGPT, and EvilGPT. These malicious versions of ChatGPT are free from limitations, uncensored and loaded with additional features.

A growing threat to cybersecurity

The use of AI by hackers represents a growing threat to cybersecurity. Language models can be exploited maliciously, increasing the potential number of cyberattacks.

It is therefore essential to strengthen cybersecurity measures to counter these new forms of AI-based attacks. Experts must remain vigilant in the face of these constant developments and work to develop effective strategies to counter cybercriminals.