sites web

Shopify unveils Sidekick, the new feature of the online commerce platform

Shopify unveils Sidekick, an intuitive and powerful website creation tool

Shopify, one of the most popular e-commerce platforms, recently announced the launch of Sidekick, a new website building tool. This new solution aims to make website creation more intuitive and powerful for Shopify users.

An intuitive and user-friendly interface

Sidekick stands out for its intuitive and friendly user interface, which allows users to create websites without the need for programming or web design knowledge. With a simple drag-and-drop interface, users can easily customize their website by adding images, text, videos, and other interactive elements.

Powerful features

In addition to its user-friendly interface, Sidekick also offers powerful features that allow users to fully customize their website. Users can choose from a variety of pre-designed themes and templates, and can also add advanced features such as contact forms, online stores, and payment modules.

Seamless integration with Shopify

Sidekick is designed to be seamlessly integrated with Shopify’s ecommerce platform. This means users can easily sync their website with their existing Shopify online store, allowing them to manage their products, orders and payments from a single interface.

A considerable saving of time and effort

With Sidekick, Shopify users can save valuable time by not having to learn complex programming languages ​​or hire web developers to build their site. This intuitive and powerful solution allows you to create professional websites in just a few clicks, allowing entrepreneurs to focus on other aspects of their business.


Sidekick represents a significant step forward in building websites on Shopify. With its intuitive interface, powerful features, and seamless integration with Shopify, this tool allows users to create professional websites quickly and easily. Whether you are a beginner entrepreneur or an e-commerce expert, Sidekick is an ideal solution for growing your online presence.

Baidu SenseTime Intelligence: Introducing Baichuan AI Zhipu

Introducing Baidu Sensetime AI Baichuan Intelligence Zhipu AI Minimax

The Baidu Sensetime AI Baichuan Intelligence Zhipu AI Minimax is an innovative technology that combines artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide advanced solutions in various fields. This new platform was developed by Baidu, a leading Chinese information technology company.

What is Baidu Sensetime AI Baichuan Intelligence Zhipu AI Minimax?

The Baidu Sensetime AI Baichuan Intelligence Zhipu AI Minimax is a cutting-edge platform that integrates several cutting-edge technologies, such as machine learning, deep learning, computer vision and natural language processing. This combination allows the system to understand and analyze data more efficiently, resulting in more accurate and faster results.

The advantages of Baidu Sensetime AI Baichuan Intelligence Zhipu AI Minimax

This technology offers many advantages in various fields. For example, in the medical field, it can be used to detect and diagnose diseases, allowing for faster and more accurate treatment. In the security industry, it can be used to detect suspicious activities and prevent incidents.

Applications of Baidu Sensetime AI Baichuan Intelligence Zhipu AI Minimax

This technology finds applications in many fields, such as medicine, security, finance, transportation and many more. In the medical field, it can be used to help doctors diagnose diseases more accurately and make informed treatment decisions. In the security industry, it can be used to monitor and detect suspicious behavior and prevent incidents. In the field of finance, it can be used to analyze financial data and predict market trends. In the transport sector, it can be used to improve traffic management and reduce road accidents.


The Baidu Sensetime AI Baichuan Intelligence Zhipu AI Minimax is a revolutionary technology that offers many possibilities in various fields. With its use of artificial intelligence and machine learning, it achieves more accurate and faster results in data analysis. This promising platform paves the way for new technological advances in the future.

produits services

OpenAI: impressive turnover expected in 2023

OpenAI: impressive turnover in 2023

OpenAI, a company specializing in the development of artificial intelligence (AI), announced impressive financial results for the year 2023. Thanks to its range of innovative products and services, it recorded a record turnover, surpassing the expectations of many experts.

Remarkable technological advances

OpenAI has devoted significant efforts to the research and development of new technologies. Thanks to this, the company has managed to develop advanced AI solutions that have attracted many customers. OpenAI’s products and services stand out for their ability to solve complex problems, process vast amounts of data, and make intelligent decisions autonomously.

A diversified range of products

OpenAI has been able to diversify its offering to meet the specific needs of various sectors. The company notably offers natural language processing systems, capable of understanding and generating text in a coherent and fluid manner. These advances have multiple applications, whether in the field of machine translation, semantic analysis or even content creation.

Strategic partnerships

OpenAI has also established strategic partnerships with major companies in the technology sector. These alliances have allowed the company to increase its visibility and expand its customer base. Thanks to these collaborations, it was able to benefit from additional resources to continue to innovate and improve its products.

Rapid growth

OpenAI’s turnover experienced meteoric growth during 2023. The revenues generated by the company far exceeded initial forecasts, demonstrating the market’s enthusiasm for AI solutions developed by OpenAI. This exceptional financial performance demonstrates the confidence placed in the company and its ability to position itself as a leader in the artificial intelligence market.

Promising prospects

Building on its success in 2023, OpenAI looks to the future with optimism. The company plans to continue investing in research and development to push the boundaries of artificial intelligence. It also plans to expand its range of products and services to meet the growing needs of its customers. OpenAI is thus positioning itself as a major player in AI and intends to play a key role in future technological advances.

penurie gpu

GPU shortage: a strategic opportunity for businesses

Title: Exploiting the GPU Shortage as a Strategic Opportunity for Businesses

The global shortage of GPUs (graphics processing units) has disrupted many industries, including gaming and computing. However, this difficult situation can also be seen as a strategic opportunity for businesses. In this article, we will explore how the GPU shortage can be turned into an opportunity for businesses to strengthen their market positioning.

Adopt creative alternatives

Faced with GPU shortages, businesses can turn to creative alternatives to meet their graphics computing power needs. For example, they can invest in GPU virtualization solutions, which allow computing power to be shared between multiple users. This approach not only optimizes the use of existing resources, but also reduces the costs associated with the acquisition of new GPUs.

Focus on resource optimization

The GPU shortage is forcing companies to rethink their approach to resource optimization. Rather than relying solely on the raw power of GPUs, they can focus on optimizing software and algorithms to reduce reliance on hardware resources. This not only helps address the current shortage, but also prepares the company for the future where GPU resources may be even more limited.

Explore new markets

The GPU shortage also provides an opportunity for companies to explore new markets. For example, they can turn to emerging sectors such as virtual reality, augmented reality or artificial intelligence, which require advanced graphics computing capabilities. By positioning themselves in these growing markets, companies can not only diversify their revenue streams, but also drive long-term growth.

Strengthen partnerships

The GPU shortage is prompting companies to strengthen their partnerships with GPU manufacturers and service providers. By collaborating closely with these key players, businesses can benefit from privileged access to GPU resources, allowing them to meet customer demand more efficiently. These strategic partnerships can also facilitate the development of new technologies and innovation within the company.

Reassess the sourcing strategy

The GPU shortage requires a reassessment of companies’ sourcing strategy. Rather than relying solely on traditional suppliers, companies can explore new suppliers and diversify their sources of supply. This helps reduce dependence on a single supplier and limits the potential impacts of future shortages.

Although the GPU shortage represents a challenge for many companies, it can also be seen as a strategic opportunity. By adopting creative alternatives, optimizing resources, exploring new markets, strengthening partnerships and re-evaluating sourcing strategy, companies can turn this shortage into an opportunity to strengthen their positioning and drive long-term growth. .

google duet

Daily revolution thanks to artificial intelligence: Google Duet AI.

Google Duet AI: the revolution in everyday work thanks to artificial intelligence

Google Duet AI is a revolutionary new technology developed by Google that aims to transform our daily work through artificial intelligence. This innovative solution was designed to make our professional tasks easier by automating certain tasks and offering relevant suggestions.

How does Google Duet AI work?

Google Duet AI uses advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze our behavior and anticipate our needs at work. This technology learns from our work habits and preferences, allowing it to offer personalized and relevant suggestions.

For example, when we write an email, Google Duet AI can suggest sentences or wording based on our usual writing style. This allows us to save time and improve our productivity by avoiding searching for the right words.

In addition, Google Duet AI can also offer automatic responses to our messages, adapting to the tone and content of the conversation. This feature is particularly useful for quickly responding to emails or messages on professional communication platforms.

The benefits of Google Duet AI

Google Duet AI has many benefits for professionals. First of all, this technology saves time by automating certain repetitive tasks. By providing insightful suggestions, it helps us write emails faster and more efficiently.

Additionally, Google Duet AI can also help us improve our professional communication by providing automatic responses adapted to the context. This allows us to respond to messages quickly and maintain smooth communication with our colleagues and customers.

Finally, this technology is also useful for improving our productivity. By anticipating our needs and providing relevant suggestions, Google Duet AI allows us to focus on the most important tasks and achieve our goals more easily.

The limits of Google Duet AI

Although Google Duet AI is a promising technology, it also has some limitations. First of all, this solution is based on the analysis of our data and our behavior, which raises questions in terms of privacy protection. It is important to ensure that our data is secure and used responsibly.

Additionally, Google Duet AI may sometimes provide inappropriate or inaccurate suggestions, which may lead to errors in our business communications. It is therefore important to remain vigilant and check the suggestions offered by this technology.

Finally, it is also important to emphasize that Google Duet AI does not replace human creativity and intelligence. This technology can help us with our daily tasks, but it is important not to let artificial intelligence take complete control of our professional activities.


Google Duet AI is a revolutionary technology that aims to transform our daily work with artificial intelligence. By offering personalized suggestions and automating certain tasks, this solution allows us to save time, improve our productivity and facilitate our professional communication. However, it is important to remain vigilant about the use of our data and not let artificial intelligence take complete control of our professional activities.

proteger droits

Google launches Synthid, an image watermark invisible to the naked eye thanks to AI.

Google launches SynthID, an AI image watermark invisible to the naked eye

Google recently announced the launch of SynthID, an artificial intelligence (AI)-based image watermarking technology that is invisible to the naked eye. This innovation aims to combat the theft and unauthorized propagation of images on the Internet.

Digital watermarking is a commonly used technique to protect the copyright of images by adding information invisible to the naked eye but detectable by specific tools. However, these watermarks can often be removed or altered, limiting their effectiveness as a protective measure.

With SynthID, Google uses AI to generate a visually undetectable watermark that is embedded directly into the image itself. This technology is based on a deep learning model that analyzes the unique characteristics of an image and generates a custom watermark that cannot be removed without altering the visual appearance of the image.

To embed the SynthID watermark, users simply need to upload their image to Google’s platform. The AI ​​then analyzes the image and generates a unique watermark that is directly embedded in the pixels of the image. This invisible watermark is able to withstand common transformations such as resizing, cropping, and compressing.

One of the major advantages of SynthID is that there is no need to use specific tools to detect the watermark. Unlike traditional watermarking techniques, which require specific software to extract the watermark, SynthID makes the detection process more accessible and easy.

Although SynthID can be a powerful tool for protecting image copyrights, it is important to note that it does not guarantee 100% protection. As with all protection technologies, there is always the possibility that counterfeits can successfully circumvent security measures.

In a world where the distribution and sharing of images has become commonplace, it is essential to develop increasingly sophisticated protection methods. With SynthID, Google brings a new AI-powered approach to combating the theft and unauthorized spread of images, giving creators an additional solution to protect their copyrights.

monde professionnel

Artificial intelligence is transforming the professional world with ChatGPT Enterprise (less than 100 characters)

Artificial intelligence is transforming the professional world

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the professional world at an unprecedented speed. Thanks to its data analysis and processing capabilities, AI offers new opportunities to businesses and radically changes the way they operate.

The benefits of AI in the professional world

AI enables businesses to gain efficiency and productivity. Thanks to its data processing capabilities, it can automate many repetitive and time-consuming tasks, freeing up staff to focus on more strategic and higher value-added tasks.

Additionally, AI can analyze large amounts of data in record time, enabling businesses to make smarter and faster decisions. It can also detect patterns and trends in data, which can help businesses identify new business opportunities and predict consumer behaviors.

Applications of AI in different sectors

AI finds applications in many professional sectors. In healthcare, for example, AI can help doctors diagnose illnesses, recommend treatments, and even predict the course of a disease. In the finance industry, AI can be used to detect fraud, predict market fluctuations, and automate banking services.

In industry, AI can improve production and maintenance processes by anticipating breakdowns and optimizing machine performance. In the marketing industry, AI can analyze consumer behaviors and personalize advertising campaigns based on their individual preferences.

The challenges to be met

Despite the benefits of AI, there are still challenges to its widespread adoption in the professional world. One of the main challenges is data protection and privacy. Businesses must strike a balance between using data to improve their operations and respecting the privacy of individuals.

Additionally, AI raises ethical questions, particularly regarding automated decision-making. Businesses must ensure that the decisions made by AI are fair and transparent, and that they do not replicate biases present in the data used to train it.

Finally, it is also necessary to train employees in the new skills required by AI. Businesses must invest in training and upskilling their staff to fully realize the benefits of AI.


Artificial intelligence is transforming the professional world by offering new opportunities to businesses. Through its data analysis capabilities, AI helps improve efficiency and productivity, make more informed decisions and anticipate market needs. However, challenges remain, such as data protection, ethical issues and employee training. By overcoming these obstacles, businesses will be able to fully harness the potential of AI and remain competitive in an ever-changing world.

arnaques lia

Artificial intelligence scams: risks to avoid!

Beware of these artificial intelligence scams: what you risk

With increasing technological advances, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an essential reality in our daily lives. However, this rapid evolution also presents risks, especially when it comes to AI scams. In this article, we will inform you about the potential dangers you could face and give you tips to avoid them.

Types of AI scams

There are different types of AI scams, each aimed at exploiting vulnerabilities in this emerging technology. Here are some common examples:

1. Voice assistant fraud: Some malicious people use voice recordings to trick voice assistants into carrying out unwanted commands. For example, an attacker could record your voice saying “Make a purchase” and use that recording to place an order on your behalf.

2. Manipulation of recommendation systems: Many sites and platforms use AI-based recommendation systems to suggest relevant products or content. However, malicious individuals can exploit these systems by providing false information in order to promote their own products or manipulate user opinions.

3. Deepfakes: This technique involves using AI to create deceptive videos or images that may appear real but are actually manipulations. Deepfakes can be used to create false information, defame people or damage their reputation.

Possible consequences

AI scams can have serious consequences, both individually and collectively. Here are some examples of the associated risks:

1. Financial Loss: If you are a victim of AI fraud, you could suffer significant financial losses. For example, if someone manages to use your voice to make purchases or manipulate recommendation systems to trick you into buying unnecessary products, you could lose money.

2. Privacy Breach: AI scams can compromise your privacy by exploiting sensitive data, such as voice recordings or personal information, to manipulate or extort you.

3. Disinformation: Deepfakes can be used to create false information that may appear credible. This can lead to the spread of misinformation and undermine public trust in information sources.

How to protect yourself?

It is essential to take steps to protect yourself against AI scams. Here are some practical tips:

1. Beware of suspicious requests: Be careful when you receive strange requests or commands from voice assistants or recommender systems. Always verify the authenticity of the request before taking action.

2. Protect your personal information: Limit the amount of sensitive information you share online and use strong passwords to protect your accounts.

3. Check news sources: Be critical of online content and always check the source before sharing or believing information.

4. Use deepfake detection tools: There are tools available that can help you detect deepfakes. Use them to verify the authenticity of videos or images that seem suspicious to you.

In conclusion, there are many benefits to AI, but it is also important to be aware of the potential risks associated with AI scams. By being vigilant and taking precautionary measures, you can protect your privacy and avoid falling victim to these scams.

gestion evenements

Google SG&E: new projects for the video games division.

Google launches its new SGE application to facilitate event management

Google recently launched a new app called EMS (Event Management System) which promises to make event management easier for users.

A complete application for event management

SGE is a comprehensive application that offers a wide range of features for event management. Whether organizing a meeting, conference or social event, this app allows users to manage everything in one place.

An integrated calendar to plan events

One of the main features of SGE is its integrated calendar. Users can easily plan their events by creating appointments, adding specific dates and times, and even inviting attendees. The calendar also offers the ability to set reminders so you never miss an important event.

An intuitive and user-friendly interface

SGE stands out for its intuitive and friendly user interface. Users can easily navigate between the different features of the application thanks to a clear layout and intuitive icons. The app also offers an advanced search function, allowing users to quickly find the events they need.

Simplified collaboration thanks to the sharing function

SGE also facilitates collaboration by allowing users to easily share their events with others. Whether with work colleagues, friends or family members, users can share their events with just one click. This allows for better coordination and more effective communication when planning events.

An application available on all platforms

SGE is available on all platforms, whether on Android, iOS or on the web. Users can therefore access and manage their events from any device, anytime and anywhere.


By launching SGE, Google offers users a comprehensive and convenient solution for event management. With its advanced features, user-friendly interface and availability on all platforms, this application promises to optimize event planning and coordination. Whether for professionals or for personal use, SGE is the ideal tool for effective event management.

site web

GPT-4: Google location tracking without coding

GPT-4: A Google location tracker without any coding skills

Google is the most used search engine in the world, and for many businesses it is essential to track their positioning on this web giant. However, this can often be a challenge for those who don’t have extensive knowledge of coding and web development.

That’s where GPT-4 comes in, a revolutionary new tool that makes it easy and efficient to track your location on Google, without the need for coding skills.

What is GPT-4?

GPT-4 is software developed by a team of artificial intelligence researchers. It uses advanced algorithms to analyze Google search results and provide accurate information about a website’s ranking.

How does GPT-4 work?

GPT-4 uses machine learning techniques to understand and interpret Google search results. It analyzes the different variables that influence a website’s ranking, such as keywords, content relevance, and site popularity. Using this information, it is able to provide detailed reports on a website’s position in search results.

What are the benefits of GPT-4?

One of the main advantages of GPT-4 is its ease of use. Unlike other Google location tracking tools that require coding skills, GPT-4 is designed to be used by people without in-depth technical knowledge. Simply enter the address of the website you want to track and GPT-4 will do the rest.

Additionally, GPT-4 is extremely accurate. Thanks to its advanced algorithms, it is able to provide detailed and up-to-date information about a website’s position on Google. This allows users to make informed optimization and marketing decisions.

How to use GPT-4?

To use GPT-4, simply go to the dedicated website and create an account. Once logged in, you will be able to enter your website address and GPT-4 will begin tracking its location on Google. You can then view ranking reports and use this information to improve your online visibility.


GPT-4 is a revolutionary tool that makes location tracking on Google easier, even for people without coding skills. With its user-friendly interface and advanced algorithms, it offers an efficient and accurate solution to track and improve a website’s ranking on Google. Whether you are an entrepreneur or a marketer, GPT-4 can help you optimize your online presence.